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  • Yeah we wouldn't want to upset anyone now would we !! :rofl:

    Let me know when you have got a warning so i can remind you to crank it up a bit! :lol:
    Bah, for you to get your posts/day down you would have to quit posting for as long as you have been signed up for, even then it would only halve!

    I want those 10k flames damnit!
    I got mine from Woolworths, about 18 bucks a kilo. The marinated was 16 bucks, go figure i so wanna blow them up but anyway it didn't taste gamey at all and i was surprised with that, the last time i ate it the game flavour was there more. I can''t believe we used to shoot these for sport and now they go for 18 a kilo it's so fuckin wrong.

    P.s. I AM AN IDIOT. :D
    yeah i'll give it a go.. have to find some fresh meat.. you gotta eat it rare tho!! does it taste like beef but gamey?
    Yeah it was pretty rare, blood still coming out AND SO TENDER! Try it try it try it!!
    sounds good.. did you cook it rare? i've never cooked skippy - might have to give it a try :D
    MMMmm bugger me women you gotta try skippy with y-7 turkey slap it is waesome! lolol
    Yeah iffm you like it i will tell you how make but it's simple as. I use sizzle steak and it dries in no time flat and is cheap.
    I am off to cook skippy :D
    Oh yeah ingrediants would be good hey..

    White vineger
    White wine vineger
    Douglah mash
    Black pepper
    Soy sauce
    Sea salt
    "Seasoning" it's a liquid one and its gold.

    It is Douglah Jerky and you are posting on your own wall again! go smirnofff!
    aw my gawd.. that is fuly sick bro.. hehehehee.. how much stuff have you got growing??!!! i'm gonna try the scorp first i reckon :D i'm booooooored... and a little smashed... what sort of jerky is it?
    You will get tha package tomoz sista! I haz included somz Scorpions, fataliis, Naga, Choc Habs, Douglahs, Yellow Congos, Jerky..will be fully sick just like my subwoofer!
    ooohhhh... car package.. i love car packages :P i'll do a video if it comes before the weekend and post it if its ok :P i'm having a cheery night.. decided to treat myself with some smirnoff blacks... onto # 3 and it feels stronger than the six fatalii vodka's i had last night... heeeheheeeee
    Oh yeah i sended your car package this afternoon, lemme know what you think about the jerky ;)
    Yeah i thought that you might like that with you being in the same proximity (big word for the day). Whats for dinner and how is Maurice going?
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