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  • :rofl: I like phishin! Am about to have another :high: then bed. After a get another drink and sped some time with my babies. :rofl: You is pisshead if after 5 vodaphones cant feel it. hehhehehe
    Piss head. Thought it was a school night! Bwahahaahha

    Has podz for you, there are many and i iz drunked weeeeeee
    I guess this will pass pretty soon. It's been kind of stressful lately with the move, and I only got the date for the surgery about 10 days or so ago.
    just checked out your post. hope it all goes well for you and you can get back on the spice soon :D like i said.. comfort food this week!
    I've been better, having a little trouble with the belly. Perhaps just nervous about next weex?
    I sure wish you luck on that, hon! Meanwhile, I have drill this weekend....but I'll take my laptop with me!!

    hahahahahaha, So you had a shit day. :D....Sorry I couldn't resist!!!

    Well my day was pretty easy at work thank god and I ended up having a beer with a mate this afternoon and just got home from a 30 minute hard mountain bike ride. All in all it was a good day....

    Bring on the weekend I say! Not that i'm drinking much at the moment....Bloody diet :(
    Start of the weekend already....Ok, I officially dislike you now.....:rofl:

    I'm good and looking forward to the start of my weekend in about 8 hours. I don't mind going to work, it's the 8 hour wait to go home that sucks...:lol:

    I liked my old midget pic better as well, but sadly I have no choice in what is displayed....:lol:

    Have a great weekend
    :woohoo: Six weeks!

    Slashing travel time is definitely cool :cool:

    Traveling to work was once upon a time a 1 1/2 hour commute for me... now I live 2 streets away from work. :D
    Back to work on Monday :sigh: :(

    I think I'll give it a month or two and take more holidays! hahahaha

    I've got the Long Service Leave card hidden up my sleeve which I can pull out at any time... :D
    Only just put them in this afternoon. You had to have had patience with some of those as they are teensy weensy! At least i can just snap the stems off when they are dry easy, i was thinkin about adding them to some tabasco powder.
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