Hey cappy and wonder? do you still have the peach habs I got from a yr ago?If so let me know if you have them for sale and if not sorry for bothering you.. Have a great 1 Rich
Hey Cappy I'd love to get my hands on a few of those beautiful seeds for next season. I don't have much to trade in the hot department, but I can do pushups until they arrive, and promise to treat them as children!
I run into your bad-boys all over the web, especially when looking for "Primo".
God, what would it take to pry some of these seeds from you? Many in the group have directed me to you. I enjoyed looking at your garden pics.
Brown 7 Pod (72)
7 Pot Primo (2)
Chocolate Big Bang Naga
Chocolate T. Scorpion
I have some TS Morouga Red seeds
Hey, do you have any 7 Pod Brain Strain or Jonah seeds for trading? The ones I have available that you don't have are Congo Trinidad, Dorset Naga, and Trinidad Perfume.
Hey Cappy, I was just looking for your grow log actually. What two types of Douglahs are you growing? I know one is something like a billy biker but not sure about the other.
Got your package today! Wow that was very generous of you with all those seeds. Actually now that I think of it, it could also just be part of an evil plot to have your Douglah's and Brain Strains take over the world? Which one is it? Heheheh. Either way, I will post up pictures next spring of Cappy’s Elite Troops securing the West Texas border. Thanks!
Got the seeds + Powder today, Cappy. I had a tiny bit of the powder. Pretty strong and it has a very very different flavor from what I expected. I like. I'll give it a go in a curry early next week. Cool stuff. Thanks a ton!
Okay Cappy I ate the douglah, please tell me the brain strain is not that hot lol. Wow that was one hot pepper. The video recorded in a .mov format, I run windows which means I've got to convert these to .AVI files. so its about 1:00 am thats its going to take about 2 hours. I've got to work in the morning so you will have your video tomorrow