Recent content by Phildeez

  1. P

    False Bhut

    I haven't tasted a pod yet, they are turning red now. A different red than my Caribbean too, more between orange and red, ill snap some photos.
  2. P

    False Bhut

    I bought a bhut jolokia transplant about 6 weeks ago and it has grown some nice red habaneros for me. Should I bother taking a pod in to the local nursery I got it from and explaining how annoying it is to put time and money into a plant that is mislabeled? They charge $3.50 per plant for...
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    pests Nasty new pest

    Thanks guys! You nailed it with that link onefowl, those are a dead on match. Does the species matter? Or will the TB that kills cpb larvae also get these? I am not really that concerned since my season is about over and I am only here until next September, but I would rather they not pupate...
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    pests Nasty new pest

    Thanks for the info Tom, I would say they look like caterpillars but they do not have legs in the rear, just a set up front. I thought caterpillars would have more legs but I am no expert. You can sort of see in the picture they just have a small set of legs near the head and they move VERY...
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    pests Nasty new pest

    These things are freaking disgusting. There are dozens of them, little yellow-brown grubs that are eating quite a lot of foliage. The disgusting part is the brown gooey sludge that every one of them has accruing on its back. As soon as you touch them they excrete even more and it makes a huge...
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    pests Aphids came in with plants

    You never want to spray soap/neem when they have light on them, if they are indoors just do it before you turn the lights out at night, if outside you have to do it in the evening or VERY early before the sun is up. I really harmed some young plants earlier in the season by spraying soap...
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    Mice love EBB

    Unfortunately they discovered the plants in the ground which are all supported with a Florida Weave, meaning a rat is able to run on twine to every single plant very easily. The good news is that I know where they are coming from and I have 4 traps set for tonight.
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    Mice love EBB

    They moved past the EBB, found almost all of my green jalapenos and fresnos on the ground today. It is clearly a rat or more than one rat because they are eating tens of peppers a night.
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    Mice love EBB

    Clearly not, what I have heard is that different species take capsaicin differently, I believe deer love peppers. If it was not mice then it was some other rodent, there are clear chew marks and a pile of half eaten peppers.
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    Mice love EBB

    Today I noticed a healthy pod on the ground next to my Ethiopian Brown Berbere, then I looked at the plant and every...single...pod is gone with a chewed off stem remaining, this plant is a bush and I have been waiting on about 40 pods to ripen, many of which were ripe and I was saving for...
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    recipe-help mustard as hot sauce ingredient

    Or make your own mustard and then use that for some real flavor. I made a 4:1 yellow:black mustard that I ground in a mortar and pestle and thinned with caribbean red, garlic, and cider vinegar puree and sweetened with thistle honey and it is absurdly good. My girl hates mustard and really...
  12. P

    Need some help

    Be careful not to cook it down too far, I went overboard the last time I made a thai sweet chili sauce and it was almost hard candy after it cooled in the fridge. It tasted amazing still but it was hard to work with.
  13. P

    seeds-germination Whiteflies and Seedlings

    I had much better luck with diluted alcohol sprays than soap. I found soap to be slower acting, less effective and more wear and tear on the plants over time. Luckily whiteflies are relatively harmless, they may cause some distorted growth but what will really harm your plants is mold growing...
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    I have two Amarillos in pots and they do not even attempt to flower with my heat. mid 90s in the day and nights above 70. I am hoping to get a big fall harvest since the plants have grown pretty large at this point. At least you guys have buds that are dropping! I just have big...
  15. P

    Habanero Sauce question.

    You could add carrots, although I would just blanch/boil them instead of saute. But before you add carrots, try adding a bit of salt and see how you like it. To try it before you salt the whole back simply take a spoonful and sprinkle salt over the top, it will taste too salty but it will tell...