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disease-pests Aphids came in with plants

I know its been asked a million times... and I knew it was going to happen but its been 5-6 days since I brought in my plants from outside, and a few (at this point 2) have aphids on them.

One of them is a hydro bucket that I had outside, and the other is in dirt and had just what looked to be a couple, that I squashed.

I had used a homemade concoction before to put on these when they had aphids before but I guess I didn't rinse them well and it burnt off a bunch of leaves.

can someone recommend a make-able mix to spray on these and directions to wash it off.... and how long to keep them on.

thanks a ton!
get down to the garden shop & get some NEEM. Its non toxic & a little goes a long way.

Also keep an eye out for ants running up & down the plant - they farm the little critters like cattle.
Yes kill all ants! Depending on the size of the plants you can dunk them in a neem solution to make extra sure that you get all the little bastige aphids.
No need to wash off neem either. Your plants will love you for it.
“halo_players_junkyard” came up with a solution last season that seemed to work well, but I can’t find the thread.
millworkman once that is sprayed on do you just rinse it off after a while or leave it so it coats the leaves for those little bastards to die on?

I may be going for neem oil on my lunchbreak

I actually sprayed a little Garlic/hot pepper spray that I put through the coffee maker, to brew. LOL..

and yes the smell washed out, I don't really drink to much coffee, so the grinder is also a pepper grinder, not coffee..
big right on with the neem spray.
i have been using 70% neem at a rate of 1 teaspoon per quart
with a tablespoon of ivory dish soap and water

it kind of smells "good" :crazy:

make sure you get the undersides and all the little
"nooks and crannies" to get all them little nasties

please remember to kill every one of them (they are born pregnant)

you can spray the neem EVERY every day until there are no more and still

find a couple more next week

make sure to keep your grow area clean so you do not have more places for them to hide and
come out when you ain't looking and reinfest your babies
I just leave it on. One application got rid of my aphid problems last winter for good, now the fungus gnats were a different story...
Aphids freak me out so any peppers that come in from the outside get a CLEAN planting pot and new potting mix. I can't control every factor but if I trim off most of the roots and stem, plant them in new potting mix and a clean pot it helps prevent those nasty critters!
I really thought about trapping some lady bugs.. this time of year they come in our house like crazy, through screens and the door way edges.

I used to squash them, but not now, they will go into my kids bug jar with some food and water, and probably build a little lady bug feast tent around a pepper plant and let them go wild on the plants every once in a while for bugs.
I have tried neem oil, D-earth, duct tape, etc. with no luck. They seem to just all come back or dodge the places you missed. The only thing that works for me is insecticidal soap. Very effective!
I've heard of others using "pepperfever" format, I think that they come from the potting mix/soil.

"halo_players_junkyard" made a solution and would turn the plant upside-down and dip the plant into the solution. I imagine the plant would have to be a manageable size though.
oops, pretty much killed all the leaves on my cayenne, its ok, there are still strong peppers..

I used the mixture of.

24oz water 3.75ml neem 10.5ml ivory dish soap and put them under my flourescents the next day, and all the leaves fell off, and some of my bhut that I killed off mostly at the beginning of the season.

I must be using it to strong and coating the leaves from getting light or amplifying it to much
oops, pretty much killed all the leaves on my cayenne, its ok, there are still strong peppers..

I used the mixture of.

24oz water 3.75ml neem 10.5ml ivory dish soap and put them under my flourescents the next day, and all the leaves fell off, and some of my bhut that I killed off mostly at the beginning of the season.

I must be using it to strong and coating the leaves from getting light or amplifying it to much

You never want to spray soap/neem when they have light on them, if they are indoors just do it before you turn the lights out at night, if outside you have to do it in the evening or VERY early before the sun is up. I really harmed some young plants earlier in the season by spraying soap solution in sunlight.

I am fond of rubbing alcohol solutions, they kill and dry quickly and do not leave a residue, but don't spray too frequently!
they didnt have light on them until the next day... the solution was completely soaked in and caused the problems when light finally hit them.
I used the mixture of.

24oz water 3.75ml neem 10.5ml ivory dish soap
My bottle of Neem says to use 1 and half tsp per quart water with only 1/2 tsp mild soap as a surfacant--so you're way over on the soap meter.

Also, if you're talking about tender seedlings, consider rinsing off with a water spritzer after an hour-- before hitting the lights.
Yeah I should have used 1.875ml of each I figured it out once I screwed up. I used someone's measurements I found and re read the bottle after then finding out I really screwed up.