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  • Yep, men. I don't want any of my male friends in bed with me either. Mostly because i know they'd probably fart all over me and stink the place out.
    Nice. Thats kind of how i do it too, you know with not being able to fold them worth a shit. I do fitted sheets because i hate waking up and half the sheet is gone.....that drives me crazy. Yes, when i cant sleep i toss and turn like a mexican jumping bean. I used to be able to make a bed tight enough to bounce a quarter on it, but those military days are long gone. If i don't have to do it anymore then i won't. And mostly because i just don't give a fuck anymore.
    Oh yeah, you just reminded me, i need to get some more fitted sheets for my bed. i'm getting tired of the 4 sets i have already.
    yeah, a hug and a stella would hit the spot right now. It's getting really humid out here this afternoon.....i guess winter is truly over here.....time for the ridiculous swampy humidity again.
    Sorry. I cannot tell a lie. She was more correct than you. So far its kind of crazy again. I can't wait for it to end. I really need a beer right now.
    Your Mum's correct. It's also a very small porch(basically a small roof over a pad and a step or two just outside the door).
    Yeah, we don't have too many of them here in florida, so i have to wait a year to go to the good one. And thats tomorrow!
    I'm not going to lie. There were plenty of times i really wanted to throw her the window....and our apartment in Utah was on the 6th floor.
    I meant i don't have any here, but you're more than welcome to bring Con and Murphy. Anytime. And thank you for the compliment. I tried my damnest to get it right with Avalon.
    Nope. No dogs here. The only thing closest to a kid would be my daughter and she only pops in to say hi every now and then. And i wouldn't wake you at 5 unless you asked me to, doll.
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