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  • No problems, doll. Yeah, Avalon says her mom 'sluts' her stuff out and that drives here crazy. I asked her to define exactly what that meant and she said it was that her clothes are very nice and conservative but her mom wears them all wrong and makes them look slutty.
    Avalon hates it when her mother borrows her clothes.....which happens quite often from what i hear. I keep telling Amy(my ex) that her husband makes plenty of money so quit being cheap and to buy her own stuff. Of course she doesnt listen to me.
    Thats good genetics you've been blessed with then. Luckily, so was i. Some of the folks i went to school with(well, ok most of them) don't look so good for being in their late 30's.
    Yeah Jeff and i did share it. I do tan easily, except i went way past the tanning part. I lok like an overdone lobster now.
    I went to the track saturday for the race, got sunburnt all to hell, then sunday i went to the island and the beach. How about yours?
    I was talking about pulled pork, smoked ribs, smoked chicken, etc. It's very hearty and rich(and not too heart friendly at all). So if you were eating at a BBQ shack here you'd basically be eating the sides, i.e. cole slaw and cornbread and baked beans.
    I try to anyways, but between the beer and a couple of other devilish culinary delights i almost have no choice. I love me some good southern BBQ, and if i ate it as much as i wanted to my arteries would explode from the stuff.
    It's on whole wheat bread. I love olive oil. I grew up around first and second generation Italian-Americans and their habits.
    It was tuna salad on wheat with no mayo. Just lettuce, tomato, onion and olive oil and red wine vinegar. A most excellent sandwich.
    Hmmm, yeah thats a big problem. Sorry i was gone for a while i had to run to the bank and go grab a sammich for lunch.
    I'm even thinking of letting her pick pink for the next cast. I'm secure enough with my sexuality to be cool with it.
    Well, like i said thats the stuff my friends and i deal with all the time here. Make no mistake when i told you that if you ever came to visit Florida i'd put a grinder in his hand and put him to work for me. Because it's a promise.
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