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  • You do what you must, darling, i'll be waiting for you always. Have a wonderful weekend, and hopefully i'll talk to you very soon. Cheers!
    aw shit i just realized i wont be able to chat with you for a couple of days. Ffffuuuuuuucccckkkk.
    Yeah, me too. I love it also, but if i put 5 cloves of garlic in anything it would have to be about 20 or so litres of something.

    That really doesnt sound like so much of a horror date to me. Just that he was a 5-star goofball.
    Time to break out some Stella so you won't remember it.

    Oh, fuck it, i'm curious. What happened?
    Yeah, it's no fun trying to hang on to an ironing board, huh? I'm definitely not skinny at all.
    You're description was very very close. I'd argue well built though. More like i'm just a big person, and yes, i do have a beer belly(but it's not ginormous either). Oh, and i am working on that aspect of myself as well.
    Just curious, but have you noticed in your past relationships that men seem to get really attached to you very quickly? Because i can see why they would.
    So you sound like you're a real blast to have around then. Awesome! I hope when i meet you that i can live up to your expectations.
    Asti is alright, i guess. I can drink the hell out of some champagne, though. It's always been a very happy and giddy drunk for me. I giggle at shit constantly like a little schoolgirl. I had some Stella the other night. I saw it and grabbed a sixer so i could have a drink with you, at least in spirit anyways.
    Now see i like champagne, but have you ever had a real Martini? It's the drink thats made with gin and vermouth.....it's what 007 always ordered to drink.
    Nice. It probably tastes like paint thinner now. Of course, in a pinch, it'll still knock someone on their ass too. Have you ever tried that stuff?
    I don't blame your boss one bit fro sending that other guy upstairs. Although, i always thought knocking was just common courtesy, but maybe thats just me.
    If anybody tells you off give them my number and tell them it's the customer resolution center....
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