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  • You do realize of course if you say you're having a shitty afternoon then i'm going to attempt to console you, right?
    They're getting familiar to me, yes. Have a good day. Talk to you later, perhaps. Cheers!
    Trust me, i'm pretty sure you know how much i wish i had longer with you too. Have a nice evening, doll. Cheers!
    She was in the mood for Olive Garden so we split tomato and pepper pizza and the bottomless salad and breadsticks.
    She's great. I took her out to dinner sunday evening. Just to talk. It was a nice evening.
    I'm usually a very good judge of people but some people hide their true colors/intentions very, very well.
    I believe the key statement is "should be". I have known a few folks i have mistakenly called friend who did not deserve the title.
    You truly are a wonderful friend. A treasure indeed. I count myself very lucky to have made your acquaintance.
    First of all, you have to remember that no one held a gun to her head and made her take a managment position. It's willful employment. She knew there'd be some fucked up goings on when she took the position. If you're a manager of anything and theres no stress or bullshit on occasion at all then you're the luckiest manager on the planet, because that just does not go with the job description. That being said, i just think its wonderful that you offered to cover for her so she could get a break. Just make sure they don't take advantage of you.....which honestly sometimes it seems to me like they have. You can't be helpful all the time, dear. Sometimes you just have to be selfish just to save your own sanity, you know? Sorry if i'm going off on a tangent again. I can't help it at times.
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