Recent content by Renais1

  1. R

    seed-plant-vendors Semillas La Palma

    Here is a little more info on the permitting process. I applied for the permit on a Thursday, and received the approved permit paperwork the next Wednesday. While you might be able to call to check on status, I just logged in to the USDA system where I entered the permit and the system informed...
  2. R

    pests The aphid battle rages on

    I use a catch crop to hold some aphids so that my parasitic wasps can continue to feed and reproduce when there are not aphids on my peppers or other plants. As I've mentioned before, I ordinarily only have one serious bloom of aphids a year in the greenhouse, sometime in early spring. The roses...
  3. R

    Hydro advice needed: DWC vs. Ebb and Flow/Hydroton vs. Rockwool

    There is some good advice on this site, as well as some good references at I particularly like the Alberta publications. I have grown in a variety of hydroponic styles; much of your choice of style will be based on your particular...
  4. R

    container-growing "Raised" container growing

    I use cinder block frames to support wire shelving above the ground.  The space under the shelves, and between the blocks is used for storage, and some small worm composting buckets.  When I have plant waste I just throw it down there for the worms.  Home Depot sells some very sturdy, pretty...
  5. R

    seed-plant-vendors Seed Prices

    You might want to compare their prices to the prices for the same quantities of the same peppers from other suppliers such as Semillas or Pepperlover.  There are some signficant price differences. Renais
  6. R

    Separated my worm castings today

    I just store my separated castings in an open Rubbermaid storage container. There will most likely be coccoons in the material, so I periodically sprinkle a little water on the pile. When I use the material later, I often find quite a few worms that hatched from the coccoons. Do not put on too...
  7. R

    Bell siphon

    I would be most concerned about a clay pond.  Most clays will bind nutrients quite easily and asymetrically, leading to a poor nutrient feed.  I'd highly recommend lining the pond with a non-reactive layer.  There are small valves that can be used to configure a slow drip from an upper reservoir...
  8. R

    seeds-germination Treated seeds

    In general, I find that coated seeds have a significantly shorter shelf life than seeds which have not been coated.  This is backed up by catalogs from both the United Kingdom and Russia for pepper seeds.  I have not seen similar warnings in US catalogs about coating impacts on peppers, but...
  9. R

    seed-plant-vendors Semillas La Palma

    I want to report on the superb service I've received from Peter.  I ordered seeds from him just before the change he announced on his website in his 11/30 posting.  I did not receive seed I ordered, and was resigned to not bothering to try again.  However, Peter asked me to get the permit, and...
  10. R

    Bell siphon

    I used a system of this sort for several years with good results. I don't have pictures readily available, but here are a few things that might be useful. I made my beds 4'x4'x1' approximately by using 1x12 lumber to build a frame. I cut a piece of EDPM rubber to fit inside the frame to hold the...
  11. R

    misc I'M DONE with ladybugs

    Hydrogardens also sells a mix of predators, Aphelinus addominalis, Aphidius colemani & Aphidius ervi. They often have the lowest shipped price on beneficial insects. When you release them, look at a couple under a magnifying glass so you can recognize them later. They are easy to mistake for...
  12. R

    Calcium supplements

    A number of commercial mixes use gypsum as a calcium source. The material is finely ground, and well dispersed; it does not make the soil hard. I've sometimes used gypsum for calcium when I can afford to wait a few weeks for full effect. If I need calcium right away, I use calcium nitrate. Renais
  13. R

    finally.. some answers to my pepper issues

    I had quite good luck with a single release of a predator some years ago in the greenhouse for control. The release was about 2004, and I have had no mite issues since. I believe the predator I released was Amblyseius andersoni which is marketed by Hydrogardens for controlling the pest mentioned...
  14. R

    Nutrient cost comparison

    Hydrogardens is one of the best sources I've found for good quality, reasonably priced fertilizers. I have occasionally purchased the Peters fertilizers (now called something else, but the same stuff) from A M Leonard when they have their periodic free shipping or 20% off sales. The 25 pound...
  15. R

    pruning-topping Raised air pruning beds

    I just went and looked at some of the raised bed material left from my last grow in them. They have been without plants for about 4 months now, and are still so stuffed with roots that my sharp spade shovel has difficulty penetrating still. The beds are mellowing as the roots rot, but I have not...