Recent content by salsalady

  1. salsalady

    food DIY Corned Beef!

    Meat on the left, fat on the right Only 2 mishaps... While moving the cryvac bag to the bin, a corner slipped and dumped the "meat juice" on the floor. Grrrrr Then, when pouring the brine over the meat in a couple 2 gallon zipbags...the bag sloughed over and dumped a couple cups of brine all...
  2. salsalady

    heat Whats your favorite spicy beverage?

    Spicy bloody mary And a regular margarita at a red robin that i doctored with pure evil.
  3. salsalady

    food DIY Corned Beef!

    Hubby wants a corned beef pie later so I will have to save some aside. We will be catering their moving party with the corned beef dinner. Will be fun! I am off to trim up the brisket and get it in the brine.
  4. salsalady

    extreme-heat Your thoughts on sauces with extract

    Imho, heat only, oleoresin has bad taste.
  5. salsalady

    production-facilities We FINALLY got our license

    CONGRATS! A very exciting step for you! Have Fun!!!! SL
  6. salsalady

    extreme-heat Your thoughts on sauces with extract

    In snacks and such, the amount of extract is probably such a small percentage of the ingredients that the extract flavor is indiscernible. Those items are prolly 1-2/10 on the heat scale. Dave's, Satan's Blood, DaBomb, etc have a lot higher concentration of extract to other ingredients. I used...
  7. salsalady

    shopping Where do you source fresh peppers out of season?

    Plan ahead and contact growers if you want specific chiles. Now is the time to make contact. For southern growers, there may be some year round fresh chiles, but probably not some of the interesting varieties you are looking for as they probably won't have guarantees buyers. The mashes and...
  8. salsalady

    food DIY Corned Beef!

    We will be splitting this with.... [(don't know what to call him anymore...) He's not a Kid anymore, Not really Junior....Not salsakid....] Evan and his Lovely. That's what I'm going with. They just bought a house in town, will be moving in thru March, so i'm thinking around the time the...
  9. salsalady

    food DIY Corned Beef!

  10. salsalady

    food DIY Corned Beef!

    it's been a few years and time to Bump this ghost thread! Just in time to get some meat in the brine!!!! In looking for this thread, I saw the first meats posted were 2.99/lb... wow, not sure what to contribute current prices to, but today, an untrimmed brisket was $4.49/lb. Pics coming as...
  11. salsalady

    labels-artwork Label Feedback

    Just wanted to touch on that comment as it is so true about comments from friends and family. For some who may be reading this for the first time, here's some good starting information- Lucky Dog Hot Sauce creator Scott Zalkind used to take sauces to pot lucks, bbq's, gatherings and...
  12. salsalady

    labels-artwork Label Feedback

    I got a block of 10 UPCs, I think it is $100 yearly. Having only 10 is part of the reason I multi-stacked the salsa and sauces. On my salsa labels I use an ( * ) for the fresh items. "Ingredients- tomato*, onion*, green pepper*, blah, blah, blah. *FRESH." If you have multiple fresh items...
  13. salsalady

    labels-artwork Label Feedback

    When first looking at the HOT label and scrolling down, it took a couple of looks to realize the circle was the indicator. A lasso like Boss suggested might help. Maybe have the rope tail on the left, right, top, bottom, tilted a little one way or the other...or keep them all the same? You'd...
  14. salsalady

    labels-artwork Label Feedback

    If you get to the point of wanting UPC bar codes, you can have them printed on small 3/4"x1"add on stickers. I don't have UPCs incorporated into any of the hot sauce labels, only on the salsa labels. Our local store just recently changed ownership and I now have to have UPCs on all the...
  15. salsalady

    labels-artwork Label Feedback

    Nice looking labels and the sauces sound good. Just a couple typo items- Verde- cilantro (comma) lime, Is the lemon or lime juice bottled with sub-ingredients? I wouldn't put the Mfg and Best By dates on the label. First, you are dictating the info must be stickered or hand written on that...