Sr. Beaver

Jan 5, 1979 (Age: 46)
Real Name
Favorite Food
Anything edible
Favorite Beverage with Fiery Food
Miller High Life
Chili... Beans or No Beans?
Favorite Hot Pepper
Favorite Hot Sauce
Whatever tastes good at the time
Favorite BBQ Sauce
Favorite BBQ Food
Baby Back Ribs
Grow List
Just restarted after moving very late start but at least GA has a very long growing season and mild "winters"

7 Pot BS
Bhut Jolika Indian Carbon
Billy Biker
Black Scorpion Tongue
Black Stinger
Butch T
C. Baccutum "Heartthrob"
Chico III
Chocolate Cherry
Condor's Beak
Congo Black
Congo Trinidad
Explosive Embers
Hawaiian Sweet Hot
Negro Chile
Orange Hab HPS
Orange Missle
Orange Manzano
Pimenta Da Neyde
Red Missle
Red Savina
Sanoran Chiltepen
Scotch Bonnet
Star Fish
Thai Giant
Thai Sun
TS Marouga Satan's Red
Yellow Devil's Tongue
Yellow Fatalii
Yellow Monkey Face
Seeds Wanted
Just about anything from Sweet peppers to Superhots
Seeds Available For Trade
5 Color Bell pepper mix x5
7 Pot Johan x5
Aji Dulce x5
Aji Limon x5
Alice's Favorite Pepper x5
Amish Bush x5
Annum Bonnet x5
Baby Bell peppers x5
Bhut Jolokia x10
Bishops Crown x5
Brazilian Starfish x5
Butch T x5
C. Baccatum "Heartthrob" x5
Cayenne Red x5
Chocolate Habanero x15
Datil x5
Douglah x5
Explosive Embers x5
Fatalli Yellow and/or Red x10
Fresno x25+
Guero x10
Hawaiian Sweet Hot x5
Hungarian Guero x5
Jalopeno x10
Jamaican Chocolate x5
Mexican Jalapeno x25
NM Red x2000+
NM Centenial x10
Omnicolor x5
Orange Manzano x5
Orange Missle x5
Piquin x10
Rain Forest x5
Red Missle x5
Serrano x15
Thai Sun

Disclaimer: I have not grown any of the seeds on this list as of yet, they are labeled as what I recieved them. They may not be what they are labeled as, but since most of them have came from THP memebers I feel that it should be pretty accurate. If you recieve seeds from me and they do not turn out to be what they are susposed to be please let me know.


