Recent content by Takanotsume

  1. T

    media What media to use? Transplanting from start pods to solo cups

    Am I correct in thinking it's better to have a medium that dries quickly and needs to be watered every day or every other day?   I've noticed that pretty much all of the store-bought mixes I've tried tend to take a week or more before the soil becomes parched enough to make the plants start wilting.
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    media What media to use? Transplanting from start pods to solo cups

    I tried potting up two of my charapitas into the Miracle-gro Moisture Control potting mix after seeing the mostly glowing reviews about the stuff on Amazon.   They ended up losing almost all of their leaves due to rather severe nutrient burn in less then a week and currently are in rehab...
  3. T

    Healthy SRP plant and peppers going soft?

    Been having a similar problem with my aji amarillo where both the new and established pods are shriveling up and becoming soft before they've finished ripening. The stem on each one is also shriveling as though the plant isn't transferring any water to it anymore.   There seems to be some kind...
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    tutorial All about soil - A great resource I thought I would share

    I finally found a bagged soil that's actually working really well, which is Good Dirt potting mix. The ingredients listed are just spaghnum peat moss, aged forest products, and perlite, though it claims to be made with byproducts from the peat harvesting process,   Despite being peat-based it...
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    Another thread about leaf health

    The scorched edges/tips look like possible nutrient burn to me, but aside from that the plant looks fairly healthy.
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    tutorial The Pest Guide

    Something odd has been going on as of late, as the leaf miners have not touched my plants for close to a month now, whether it be the new seedlings or established plants.   I know they're still around though, as they're been attacking some tomato and pepper plants that other members of the...
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    Leaf drop on one side of the plant

    Have had this problem with literally all of my plants at some point, and it's generally not accompanied by the leaves yellowing beforehand, so it's rather perplexing.   Some recovered, while others just died off completely.
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    tutorial All about soil - A great resource I thought I would share

    I have a hunch that it was verticillium wilt that killed my aji panca/limons (And is currently afflicting my aji amarillo), not any kind of issue of with soil PH or nutrients because the symptoms can highly resemble a nutrient deficiency (And looked exactly like what I had seen on the plants...
  9. T

    What are you growing?

    Attempting to grow:   Aji Amarillo Aji Panca Aribibi Gusano Charapita Dhalle Khursani  Wiri Wiri   Have gotten a small number of pods from all of them except the aribibi (Which seems to take a nosedive health-wise whenever it starts flowering and loses most of its foliage for reasons unknown and...
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    Aji Charapita pruning question

    I can't help but feel curious about what that charapita is getting to make it look that way because mine was downright pathetic by comparison.   At the current point in time it's looking pretty sad (Almost all of the its leaves fell off for reasons I don't quite grasp) but I have three new...
  11. T

    Waking up a "frozen" transplant?

    Most recent update: Plant looks dumpier then ever, but it finally started to put out new foliage after I watered it with worm tea, so it seems like the soil was just lacking in...something it needed to get going.   Hopefully it can still recover...though the mites are likely to going try to stop...
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    tutorial The Pest Guide

    Soapy water works for the whiteflies as long as it's concentrated enough to properly smother them. You can tell they're dead if they stop producing the white fuzz.   As for the scales, you should be able to just wipe them off the plant using a damp paper towel; perhaps soaked in a mild alcohol...
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    tutorial All about soil - A great resource I thought I would share

    While bark doesn't seem to be readily available around here (They had some heaping bags of redwood mulch at the local hardware store, but not sure if that's suitable or not), sand is extremely cheap in bulk, so now I'm wondering if that might be worth a try too, since I've heard coarse play sand...
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    tutorial All about soil - A great resource I thought I would share

    I've still been unable to find a good, cheap source of bark for a 5-1-1 mix, though I've noticed that the Kelloggs brand products used primarily aged bark fines instead of peat or coco coir.   Wondering if maybe combining some of their mulch/topsoil with some coco coir could make a better mix...
  15. T

    tutorial All about soil - A great resource I thought I would share

    I recently tried doing a simplistic 33% compost/33%coco coir/33% perlite mix for a couple of plants (With worm castings being the only fertilizer)...but they don't seem to like the stuff at all as there's been little to no growth since I transplanted them almost a month ago. The soil drains...