Recent content by talas

  1. talas

    Guru's Garden - Traveling the World in Search of Peppers

    A real beauty, it's flowers and leaf structure is gorgeous a great find Rich.๐Ÿ‘
  2. talas

    Wild, Indeed, Community Thread

    Plants are looking superb Paul and super healthy.๐Ÿ™
  3. talas

    chinense I'm confused about the Datil pepper

    Downriver 2012 are the real deal grown them a few times and one of my brothers annual favourites who grew them much more than me in red,orange and yellow all the same as the 2012 with good heat and a nice C.Chinese deep taste.
  4. talas

    Hi from sunny South Africa

    Welcome to the THP.๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  5. talas

    Gambleu's 2022 winter pepper

    Best of luck I hope the over wintering of your habanada plants goes well it's fun that there's always something new to learn and wish you every success.๐Ÿ™‚
  6. talas

    ChilliCrosser Crosses

    As always the videos are great and even for the season grower very informative and encouraging. X034 F1 (Sugar Rush Stripey x Pimenta De Neyde) looks a beauty crossed with the Neyde will be following this carefully,nice one.๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  7. talas

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    Neyde Hidalgo and Werner where good friends over many years and yes I was active there at pimentas for many years and new the owners and Admins well and had many other friends there and some that where active there where active here at THP.
  8. talas

    AHayastani's GLOG 2022

    Definetly an annuum but hard to say what it is till more growth and pods but glad you rescued it and sorry to hear about the lemon drops and perhaps another baccatum may suit the area you grow in better let's hope so and you try with more success in the future.
  9. talas

    AHayastani's GLOG 2022

    Nice Ahaystani that your honest about your growing and experience over the years ,we learn a lot over time as gardners and moving to different areas even seemingly with similar growing conditions can be problematic. It's nice to see you keep trying to grow Aji Dulce Rosita it's a fine plant to...
  10. talas

    Alex_K 2022 - Fruits/Vegetables

    Great to see you doing a thread like this on THP Alex,it reminds of the old threads I used to read and discuss with our old friends on the pimentas forum sad that it's gone. Sad that Bacuparรญ-mirim is now so rarely seen in Brazil even twenty years ago it was still everywhere and spoke to many...
  11. talas

    travel The Great 2021 StettoMoveBlog

    Glad you all there safe and hope you all settle in and start your New life.๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  12. talas

    SKULLBIKERS Fun with peppers in 2021 GLOG

    Lots of flavor there SB which will make a delicious addon to any meal and be perfect with Bacon,eggs,beans,toast yum.๐Ÿ˜‹
  13. talas

    travel The Great 2021 StettoMoveBlog

    Lovely hearing your journey so far and nice tubbage pics,safe travels on the rest of your journey.๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  14. talas

    AHayastani's GLOG 2022

    Best of luck to you A in your New growing season.๐Ÿ™‚
  15. talas

    SKULLBIKERS Fun with peppers in 2021 GLOG

    Spent lots of Happy times in Florida and have family in Tampa,it's a great state and perfect for Gardner's.๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘