Recent content by TheGoodGeneral

  1. TheGoodGeneral

    Hi all from Italy .)

    Benvenuto da Pennsylvania, USA.   Da dove vieni? Spesso viaggiamo in Italia. La mia moglie e dal sud italia.    We are planning our next trip in June. 
  2. TheGoodGeneral

    event Bowers Chile Pepper Festival 2014

    What a great event. It was great meeting so many of you today. Here's a sampling of what we brought home. Also the food at Snuzzles is great.
  3. TheGoodGeneral

    event Bowers Chile Pepper Festival 2014

    I'll be there as a spectator. Splept on getting a booth and they booked out. I'm fine with that as it gives me a chance to check out all the other booths! I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of you guys. Cheers.
  4. TheGoodGeneral

    production-facilities Co-Packers?

    Not to de-rail the thread but sadly Endorphin Farms isn't taking any new clients until at least the first of the year.
  5. TheGoodGeneral

    production-facilities By using a copacker, is my product disqualified as being a "Local Product" in Connecticut and no lon

    Lots of really good information as usual here.  So its not a local CT product, no bid deal there at all. But what about,....It IS a local Florida product and FL has year round FMs so go down there and set up or team up with someone who can sell your product in that market at the FMs or specialty...
  6. TheGoodGeneral

    Hot sauce / Barbecue webshop name

    Bugsy's Bodega   Hot Sauce Haberdashery ( a very interpretive use of the term for sure)
  7. TheGoodGeneral

    misc 1.7oz Glass Woozy vs 9 gram disposable mylar sachet (packet)

    From a consumer stand point, I would rather have a single use packet then a glass bottle with a lid to keep track of.
  8. TheGoodGeneral

    labels-artwork Logo Feedback

    I dig the concept.    What stands out to me is that there is a clear distinction between two parts. It looks like, with the exception of the 'peppers" at the bottom, its hand drawn.  The hand drawn pepper genie has some wonky line work and could use a redraw. The shapes of the eyes don't match...
  9. TheGoodGeneral

    Honey, Agave Nectar, Corn Syrup - interchangeability and effect on heat

    whoa!  crazy that I find this topic today after spending a few hours mixing up a peach habanero sauce yesterday!  I did not use peaches in heavy syrup, that would be far too sweet for my tastes.
  10. TheGoodGeneral

    event Louisiana Hot Sauce Expo 2014

    Congrats all!  Very cool. 
  11. TheGoodGeneral

    Happy Birthday salsalady!

    Happy Birthday!
  12. TheGoodGeneral

    Hello, greetings from New Haven

    Greetings from Baltimore!
  13. TheGoodGeneral

    hello everybody! greeting from Sicily!

    Welcome from Baltimore MD, USA
  14. TheGoodGeneral

    production-facilities had a consultation with a co-packer today.

    Again, more great info from this forum. Thanks a ton Salsa Lady!     I've got to work the details out on processing the peppers. I'll keep you all informed how it plays out.