Recent content by Wicked Mike

  1. Wicked Mike

    Dangler 2020

    Hi Harry, With the exception of the newer superhots (I’ve just come back to the chilehead scene after a hiatus of several years), I’ve grown most of the varieties you listed. Would love to compare notes, if you’re game. I was surprised to hear that your Ají Dulce Margariteño had any heat at...
  2. Wicked Mike

    fermenting What’s the longest you’ve aged a mash?

    As the title suggests, Im wondering what the longest is that you guys have run a ferment. Also wonder at what point aging becomes a case of diminishing returns. Its always seemed to me that aging goes a long way toward mellowing out the sharper edges on a sauce, but maybe thats just me. The...
  3. Wicked Mike

    Hello, New to the Group

    Welcome to the tribe, Dave! Do you make fresh sauces, fermented, or both? If you ever find yourself down in Miami or I’m passing through Jupiter, I’d be happy to share some spicy concoctions your way.
  4. Wicked Mike

    Hello, New to the Group

    Maybe he’s always after the booty?
  5. Wicked Mike


    You just MAY have come to the right place... Welcome to the tribe, man! Points for the reference to an obscure Oaxacan molé on your profile.
  6. Wicked Mike

    color Purple genetics in peppers

    Other accessions and cultivars with purple foliage, flowers, and/or fruit include CGN 21500, CGN 21566, Wild Purple Guatemalan, Maui Purple, Purple Reaper, and Trifetti, just to name a few. But Canedog is right, PDN is generally the most popular among breeders for purposes of purple.
  7. Wicked Mike

    color Purple genetics in peppers

    Not that he knows what hes talking about or anything.
  8. Wicked Mike

    TripleJ 2020 in a Nutshell

    Love it. Clearly someone likes garlic as much as I do. Can also really get down with the sentiment expressed in your signature. Tried to PM, but your box is full. Mine probably is, too. Is the wishlist on your profile current? I have Pasilla de Oaxaca, Ají Dulce Jobito, and Cumarí do Para, if...
  9. Wicked Mike

    yield-harvest Some of my harvest

    I think Rex needs to eat a handful of those Brainstrains on video.
  10. Wicked Mike

    other-condiments Infused Hot Pepper Salt

    Sounds awesome, but you didn’t mention what time I should be there for dinner.
  11. Wicked Mike

    other-condiments Infused Hot Pepper Salt

    I probably could have been more clear. When it comes to just salt and peppers, agreed. When it comes to playing around with other ingredients, in particular those that are hygroscopic like sugar, the rice trick helps.
  12. Wicked Mike

    disease-pests Pepper Pests!

    Try rolling it into a cone around the trunk and suspending it from the lowest branches with string or wire.
  13. Wicked Mike

    When to start growing in Florida?

    Oh, and I have the glogs to prove it. (Yes, I’m teasing Geo and Solid there).
  14. Wicked Mike

    When to start growing in Florida?

    Hey hey, Mark! Long time, no see. I used to live in downtown West Palm. At the time, I had a side gig as the grower at the Grey Mockingbird Community Garden in Lake Worth, about ten minutes south. I have very good news for you. With the right guidance, you’re in for the grow of your life...
  15. Wicked Mike

    Greetings from Miami!

    Yeah, I saw that. Just thought I’d post it in case he comes back.