contest Growdown Throwdown 2025 - Resurrection

Lets Get It On Fight GIF
They look beautiful, mine are less dark but it may be because of my lights.

They are not under those purple ones, they were taken here to take a picture xd

But they are starting to grow alright, those cotyledons were strong af, I was really impressed by my methods.


Had to edit it to make it more mysterious. Also, this bottom right one leaf lady looks hooot! Doesn't she? (Picture kinda blurry but she does!)
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Season 4 Michael GIF by The Office

Why’s all your pepper plants darker than everyone else’s?
Intense lighting I'd say🤷‍♂️

**Edit** I also discarted the ones that weren't as dark to keep only the cream of the crop. I got 10 shoots out of 11 seeds, for a germination rate of over 90%.
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They look beautiful, mine are less dark but it may be because of my lights.

They are not under those purple ones, they were taken here to take a picture xd

But they are starting to grow alright, those cotyledons were strong af, I was really impressed by my methods.


Had to edit it to make it more mysterious. Also, this bottom right one leaf lady looks hooot! Doesn't she? (Picture kinda blurry but she does!)
A good head start, plus they look healthy 👌
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A good head start, plus they look healthy
Thanks, I kinda play with some stuff in the tent right now because of Manzanos and was worring a little that TB will be slowed down by it, have them in different places but it seems those were strong seeds and grow fast anywhere they are. And the one leafy lady made it up already by having true leaf almost the size of cotyledon in few days, wonder where will this courage take her. It's interesting to watch them and this competition makes it even better, special obviously.

I wanted to ask - did you play with this variety? With the blackness, like, did you try and breed it or select the seeds from special ones? My inner child and scientist scream at me to create something special here xd
Thanks, I kinda play with some stuff in the tent right now because of Manzanos and was worring a little that TB will be slowed down by it, have them in different places but it seems those were strong seeds and grow fast anywhere they are. And the one leafy lady made it up already by having true leaf almost the size of cotyledon in few days, wonder where will this courage take her. It's interesting to watch them and this competition makes it even better, special obviously.

I wanted to ask - did you play with this variety? With the blackness, like, did you try and breed it or select the seeds from special ones? My inner child and scientist scream at me to create something special here xd
Once they will be a little bigger and sitting in a larger pot, they will start to grow faster, so don't worry too much about shade from surrounding plants or less than perfect light exposure at this time.

I'm not entirely sure but I think it's stable. I discovered them for the first time here on THP if I remember correctly. After a quick search, I ordered seeds from Vertiloom (2019 or 2020?). Since then, I've always selected what I thought they were supposed to be based on the seller's description/look and what I found elsewhere online, including the purple stripe on the placental tissue and dark young foliage. I remember seeing fruits that were more elongated and thinner, as well as fruits without purple inside. I wish I knew who the creator is, what were the parents and what his vision was for this nice pepper! Any idea @Pepper-Guru ?

Original photos from the Vertiloom shop

Just found this :
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Thank you! It's Tazmanian Black, I was misspelling it.

There is a lot of info there, I will put it to translate tomorrow, it's midnight here and I don't know why I don't sleep yet after this week ;o freaking peppers!

The shape of the plant itself, how it grows, reminds me of shishito I had last year. Not too happy with it, not many fruits at once, but garden probably will tell a different story.

As many here probably, I love Dark leaves, it's a shame it looses it pretty fast, fruits tho, they look awesome almost ripen, gorgous. And are big! I remember FV or Dark Italia were Dark longer but don't know if I could breed them successfully, well, considering that I don't grow any this year, 0% xd but it is nice thing to think about. Maybe thanks to growdown I will finally let myself be a God for a moment!

But yes, thank you again for everything. You will lose anyway tho.
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Once again, I dont know if thiis description should be considered as the "standard" for this pepper but here's a few things that are different about mine compared to what we can read on Pepperfriends:

- Excellent germination with germination times that are quite long for the species, 9-10 days from placing on paper towels and 13-14 days for the cotyledons to open. I usually see the first shoots under 8 days and the cotyledons open quite quickly after emergence (perhaps due to different growing conditions). My seeds were sowed exactly 2 weeks ago and the first cotyledons appeared a week later (on February 22).
- The plant is of medium height, approximately 60-80 cm. More often closer to 80 and up to 100 cm for me
- The calyx is toothed, very voluminous and increases considerably in size once the fruit has set. Not the case; the calyx is normal in size and does not get bigger over time according to my observations.
- Each flower normally has 5 petals, lilac in color with a purple border. Most of mine have 6 petals. They are usually white on the outside with a purple margin while the inside of the corola is completely purple. Side note: to my knowledge, this trait directly correlates to the presence of purple placental tissue.
- The fruit is pendulous, triangular in shape with a truncated base and a sharp apex, about 5-7 cm long and 3 cm wide. Fruits are round, some are growing upward and they get longer, reaching 10 cm.
- The color change is gradual throughout the fruit and occurs quite quickly. I would not say "quite quickly" as they seem to stay in sleep mode for a while before finally turning from purple to red!
- The placenta, white in color. No mention of the darker stripe that is clearly visible in ripe fruits.

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Thank you! It's Tazmanian Black, I was misspelling it.

There is a lot of info there, I will put it to translate tomorrow, it's midnight here and I don't know why I don't sleep yet after this week ;o freaking peppers!

The shape of the plant itself, how it grows, reminds me of shishito I had last year. Not too happy with it, not many fruits at once, but garden probably will tell a different story.

As many here probably, I love Dark leaves, it's a shame it looses it pretty fast, fruits tho, they look awesome almost ripen, gorgous. And are big! I remember FV or Dark Italia were Dark longer but don't know if I could breed them successfully, well, considering that I don't grow any this year, 0% xd but it is nice thing to think about. Maybe thanks to growdown I will finally let myself be a God for a moment!

But yes, thank you again for everything. You will lose anyway tho.
Nah you were correct, I really hink it is Tasmanian (with a S), even Pepperfriends got confused/lost in translation!

Glad to see that there is some competitiveness in the air:hell:
Thanks @Bou it seems like your Tasmanian Black is even better in most traits and that is cool. Dark placenta is obviously something awesome and different, like the next level stuff when it comes to enjoyment from the pepper plant xD I am still at leaf color level or pod shape 😂 That saying I do think I will enjoy the first opening of TS pod this year so much and seeing the colors will be satisfying af.
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