contest Growdown Throwdown 2025 - Resurrection

How to send an S.A.S.E (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope)
They said there to ask for special stamps on the post office (if sending to another country) if needed and they would probably help. But I have never done this before.

About my last question - it is just a question, I am curious if there is any other reason than just preventing cheating in this case or maybe Rich did that because those were his seeds (they were, right?), so he had to distribute them. It is our fun and friendly competition - I don't even know what are you usually get as a reward other than others sweet cries at night, shame and hate - if this is the best way, it's ok. If there is something less problematic for people, let's do that. I am simply learning! 😇 Maybe if there is less than 10 people, let's just buy the seeds ourselves and do the throwdown anyway xD Idk, just brainstorming.

As for the pepper, it gets harder and harder to choose, I like the black ones. Maybe let's organize this a little and create a poll with those we have already (because there are enough I think) and then we will slowly (maybe not too slowly tho) start counting poeple interested. //I meant "adding more people if they'll want to join", because obviously I already counted all five seconds later, hey, that's me and my brain just chilling here;

Peppers to choose from:

1. Buran Pepper (sweet) from Seed Savers Exchange;

2. Chervena Chushka Pepper (sweet) from Seed Savers Exchange;

3. Joe's Long Cayenne Pepper (hot) from Seed Savers Exchange;

4. Maules Red Hot Pepper (hot) from Seed Savers Exchange;

5. Chilhuacle Negro from Adaptive Seeds;

6. Tasmanian Black from @Bou;

//I have meant, like the real poll (I wrote pool, I saw that, yikes), at the top of the topic, I don't know if Bou should do it or The Boss...

Tasmanian Black already got few votes and I don't know if not the most, so, I think I know what will win... I know I like it too.

List of players (from this topic and from DMs who are not new to thp, having more than 1 post - please reply and decline if you don't want to compete):
  1. @Bou
  2. @Deadpouk
  3. @wiicek (meeee!)
  4. @Downriver
  5. @bpiela
  6. @growyourown
  7. @Jamison
  8. @OCD Chilehead
  9. @PDXPeppers
  10. @santis00

(10, woah!)
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How to send an S.A.S.E (Self Addressed Stamped Envelope)
They said there to ask for special stamps on the post office (if sending to another country) if needed and they would probably help. But I have never done this before.

About my last question - it is just a question, I am curious if there is any other reason than just preventing cheating in this case or maybe Rich did that because those were his seeds (they were, right?), so he had to distribute them. It is our fun and friendly competition - I don't even know what are you usually get as a reward other than others sweet cries at night, shame and hate - if this is the best way, it's ok. If there is something less problematic for people, let's do that. I am simply learning! 😇 Maybe if there is less than 10 people, let's just buy the seeds ourselves and do the throwdown anyway xD Idk, just brainstorming.

As for the pepper, it gets harder and harder to choose, I like the black ones. Maybe let's organize this a little and create a pool with those we have already (because there are enough I think) and then we will slowly (maybe not too slowly tho) start counting poeple interested.

Peppers to choose from:

Tasmanian Black already got few votes and I don't know if not the most, so, I think I know what will win... I know I like it too.

List of players (from this topic and from DMs who are not new to thp, having more than 1 post - please reply and decline if you don't want to compete):
  1. @Bou
  2. @Deadpouk
  3. @wiicek (meeee!)
  4. @Downriver
  5. @MarcV
  6. @growyourown
  7. @Jamison
  8. @OCD Chilehead
  9. @PDXPeppers
  10. @santis00

(10, woah!)
Don't forget @bpiela and @growyourown !
Aside from the obvious ‘only choose one plant and proof of life’ components of the competition, where can a first time competitor find the general rules that need to be adhered to?

We’re being most likely judged on plant size/health and yield over the entire season?

@Bou, sent you a PM as well.
@TouchedMyEyes You can grow in any way you want (hydro, soil, 100l, 20, 5l etc. pot, fertilize with whatever you want etc, etc...) but you have to stick to the plant and weight every harvests from only that one from the beginning to the end. Document every harvest and post it in here, if you don't we won't add it to your total. After the last harvest (if we all agree it was the last one) we will sum up everyone's totals and the 1st place wins.
Time of putting seeds to the ground or when you harvest is up to you. You can harvest 1 pod or 3kg of pods for a harvest, it is also up to you. Everything is up to you.
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Aside from the obvious ‘only choose one plant and proof of life’ components of the competition, where can a first time competitor find the general rules that need to be adhered to?

We’re being most likely judged on plant size/health and yield over the entire season?
Have a look here

Only yield matters!
Seed packets have been mailed. I plan to start all my seeds for the 2025 season around mid-February, everyone should have received theirs by then.
how in the fuck did your seeds get to france before i got mine in ontario? if they are not in my mailbox tonight...

way to earn your raise, canada post! smh...
Yours should arrive shortly; I sent seeds to another THP member (Ontario) at the same time and they arrived today.
@Deadpouk @wiicek @SineNomine @Marturo @Downriver @bpiela @growyourown @dragonsfire @TouchedMyEyes :

I would suggest each participant sow all the seeds I sent and only keep the darkest/healthiest shoot(s). Since I hadn't planned on sharing so many seeds, I didn't test the germination rate (which should be high since the seeds are fresh, but we never know!) and I didn't have time for it either anyway!

Also take note that my plants were not grown in isolation. If you are considering saving and/or sharing TB seeds later on, I would ask that you ONLY DO SO IF the fruits show that distinctive purple line on the placental tissue.