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  • hey Duane is passing some of the seeds you sent him along to mee. So thankks for helping them get into the US ! im excited to grow them !
    not wild turkey lol, you damn drunk! you're lucky you're so awesome. :P
    my head is about to explode... just wanna go to bed, but can't sleep. :S
    ohh. haha. do you want them though ? I could send them your waay if you'd like. & sorry about that, I've been at my boarding school, but I just graduated ! soo I'll probably start being really active again this week !
    The roof! the roof! the roof is on fire!
    Now seriously, please stay calm and use the emergency exits.
    I dunno... maybe I did it. already raised people's reputation when completely drunk. POTAWIE and 915river are examples that I remember... lol.
    Well that just sucks. We seemed to have sucked Pip in though so maybe you can join in the discussion fun.
    Nova, you and Pip are being called out in the Sept. Throwdown Thread... Get to postin!
    Hey buddy, sorry been outta commision fer a bit- doin good. Gonna be moving cross country soon, will know where to check in later, hope all's well over yer way mate!
    Send post parcel to my work address
    Darren Horvath
    Level 5, 120 Edward Street.
    Brisbane, 4000
    I have a couple of them for you. You will need a mini usb charger (PC one will work). There's heaps around, you probably already have one you use on a camera, webcam, hdd etc
    I was going to dehydrate and powder myself if it doesnt exist. Made an awesome fatalii and pineapple sauce last year so thought it would be just as good in a powder.
    Speak to you later then :-)
    Sure no worries just email me when your ready
    The powder I will have for sale but was still experimenting and thinking of also blending yellow 7 pot, pineapple and or apple with it and seeing how that goes, although I love it how it is already, awesome flavour. What do you reckon? Still gotta get labels printed etc but might be able to sell you a vial if you ca...
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