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  • There is some kind of interference around my house that is killing my Ham Radio signal. I blame the transformer outside. Kind of sucks with tornado season approaching. I can take my handheld and go to the edge of my property to communicate though... so I am not dead in the water. Just the indoor loop antenna is really down in the noise.
    I really hope my Fataliis do well this year. I have never had the pleasure of trying one. They sound delicious though...
    I am making my first time this year myself, if you need some peppers down the road i might be able to help ya, i got 19 plants or so going myself.
    I should have plenty of yellow and red fataliis this year if you need some.
    This is such a great community. Thanks guys! I ordered some starts from Refining Fire Chilis, so hopefully that gives me enough of a head start for my region. I am planning on growing them in containers, and possibly overwintering them.
    Just realized non of my Fataliis came up. :( Can someone recommend a good place to buy seedlings?
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    refining fire chiles site says they have 21 plants at $3.99 you just have to purchase 6 items from them.
    Cross Country also
    Thanks for the suggestions... I ended up going with Refining Fire, as I didn't want to have to order 12 plants. :) Got 2 Fataliis, 2 Pumpkin Habs, and 2 Aji Golden.
    Got some pepper plants sprouting! Red Savina, Trinidad Scorp Green, Scotch Bonnet, Red Caribbean, etc. I am pretty excited.
    Just got my Lucky Dog Hot Sauce order. I was starting to go through withdrawals... I was out for nearly a week! I need to work out some sort of system to make sure that doesn't happen again. lol. :)
    lol. Talk to him about a revolving order. I have a customer with one. Every 2 weeks I automatically send off the ones he loves and paypal invoice. Sauce makers love addicts...errr I mean regular customers.
    @Phil - you wont be disappointed. It is great stuff. :)

    @Justaguy - I may have to look into something like that. :) And, I don't mind being called an addict. At least it isn't crack... or is it? :)
    There's something about it that keeps everyone coming back. Maybe it IS crack.
    It is amazing how much easier it is to take apart a mossberg 500 than it is to put it back together... after much weeping and gnashing of teeth, and help from a friend that is much more mechanically inclined than myself, I think it is back in working order... :)
    The first time I took apart my remington 1100 I thought to myself "WHAT HAVE I DONE!?"
    I know the feeling. The worst part is that I didn't need to strip it down that far for what I was doing. I just happened to pick the wrong youtube video to watch. But, now I know how to do it... so it wasn't all a waste. :)
    Just got a free banjo. Now I just need to learn to play it. After years of playing guitar, muscle memory is killing me.
    Tune it like the high strings of a guitar and then fake away!!!!
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    if steve martin can do it, so can you.

    you can do it!
    In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell
    What's with all the hab hate? I like them... is it just because they are popular?
    I love me some habs, especially the choco's. It's the nagas and bhuts I'm over with.
    For some reason "standard" habs have an ammonia-like after-taste to me. I do like the initial flavor, though.
    Regular orange habs, grocery store, or homegrown have proven to be my lease favorite chile... Just something about their flavor I do not find desirable with most food.
    Used some of 3/5King's 'Sucker Punch' powder on some pizza rolls tonight. Incredibly delicious. Really changed the flavor dynamic... in a great way.
    Nice! Sucker Punch is one of my favorites. Glad you're enjoying them Westin. Always appreciate the feedback.
    Hard to believe tomorrow makes 8 years since Hunter Thompson's death. Take a shot of Wild Turkey in the good doctor's memory. RIP HST.
    How is it that all of the teachers are off work today, but IT still has to come in? Sounds like a good day to take off early.
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    just be glad you don't live in canada, my kids have been off since thursday, today is "family day", so the teachers union made sure they packed in professional development days.
    That happened on MLK Jr Day this year. Oh, well. Makes for an easy day... the network always runs better with no traffic. :)
    Nothing soothes your soul after a long day of server upgrades like putting a few .357 slugs through a hard drive.
    Hit a HDD with a round of Federal 357B HP. You will have to use a fine tooth comb to collect the fragments, if you cand find them.
    Off to Reno in the AM to exercise my right to buy at a gun show. And drop my Judge off for repairs. It doesn't like .410 Defender for some reason.
    One of my friends picked up a Judge... I haven't had a chance to shoot it yet. But I am definitely looking forward to it. :)
    Entered the lounge. Immediately left. There are some things/opinions that I would rather not know about on this forum. Sticking with pepper talk. ;)
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Log out of the forum and log back in and you won't see it.
    Haha... really not too big of a deal. I had a couple of beers last night, and saw a bunch of conversations about religion and politics, and decided it would be best to steer clear of it. :) Thanks for the tip though.
    Alright, so I want to try a new sauce. First recommended sauce that is a non-extract under $10 that I have never tried will be the one that I purchase. [Might be a week or two before I order though]
    I'll send you a bottle of my hobby sauce if you cover shipping.
    I would love to try it. :)
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