Recent content by westin

  1. westin

    ad Bold Badger 2021 Giveaway

    Oh man... Just tried the yellow 7-pot.  It is fantastic.  It has almost a tartness right at the beginning, and then all of the other flavors start melding into it.  Then the heat kicks in.  Excellent job Bold Badger.  I foresee myself placing an order in the near future.  Thanks so much for the...
  2. westin

    ad Bold Badger 2021 Giveaway

    Sauce arrived!  I haven't had a chance to crack it open just yet, but I will report back once I do.  I don't think I have tried a 7-pot sauce, so this is pretty exciting.  :-D
  3. westin

    Trying to recreate my favourite hot sauce help needed

    Welcome!  You may have better luck posting your question in the Hot Sauce Making forum.  ;-)  I don't know that everyone watches the 'Welcome' forum, so you would probably get more eyes on it that way.  
  4. westin

    Hello from a Canadian Pepperhead

    Hey yabud!  Welcome to the forum.  :-)  That's quite a list of peppers!  I would love to see some pics of your setup.  I am a bit jealous.  haha
  5. westin

    Spicy Tomatoes?

    I've seen enough movies to know this is a terrible idea.  
  6. westin

    ad Bold Badger 2021 Giveaway

    I think you may already have 10 replies, but sign me up if there are any spots left!  :-)
  7. westin

    Used to be fairly active...

      Thanks for the update!  Glad to see you are still active on the forum.  :-D  -- I see him post occasionally on the r/spicy subreddit... I'll definitely have to check out that giveaway.
  8. westin

    kitchenware Your favorite kitchen knifes...

      Shows where my priorities lie.  haha... We do have one fairly expensive kitchen knife that stays in its own little case in the cabinet... We do sushi a fair amount, and received a really nice sushi knife as a wedding gift.  It cost more than the emojoy set we bought.
  9. westin

    Used to be fairly active...

    Hey Folks,   I used to be pretty active on this forum, but looking at my post history, I haven't posted much since 2015... I'll try to hang around a bit more.  I'd almost forgotten about this place.  Does Scott [Lucky Dog] hang around these parts anymore?  That was one of the best takeaways from...
  10. westin

    Finally got the garden planted. Fataliis, Chocolate Scotch Bonnets, Jamaican Hot Chocolate...

    Finally got the garden planted. Fataliis, Chocolate Scotch Bonnets, Jamaican Hot Chocolate, Habanero, "Red Hot Chili Pepper", and Jalapenos. Also some garlic that should be ready fairly soon...
  11. westin

    kitchenware Your favorite kitchen knifes...

      Gotta say I am jealous.  We just needed something decent for our amateur cooking.  I probably have closer to that much in my bushcraft / camping / pocket knives... But those have been collected over a few decades.  As long as our kitchen knives can make short work of peppers, tomatoes, and...
  12. westin

    kitchenware Your favorite kitchen knifes...

    My wife and I went with a somewhat budget set, but it seemed to have pretty good reviews.  Brand is Emojoy...   I like them so far, but we have only had them a few days now.  Time will tell.     I would love to get a top of the line set, but...
  13. westin

    Smoothies who makes them ?

    I think the one I make is relatively healthy.  It might not exactly be low calorie, but it is filled with nutritious goodness... and it tastes pretty good too.  I would rather get that caloric intake from fruit / vegetables than a burger and fries.  :-P
  14. westin

    Smoothies who makes them ?

    I have a smoothie just about every morning.  Here is my basic recipe:   Handful of frozen blueberries Banana Tight handful of kale Granola Flax seed ~ 1 tsp Chia seed ~ 1 tsp  1 hot pepper [lately I have been alternating between habanero and dragon cayenne] top it off with almond milk and a...
  15. westin

    I will have to give that a shot! Sounds awesome.

    I will have to give that a shot! Sounds awesome.