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  • It's good to get home from being away and eat a fresh hab off the tree.
    it's about head height, so nearly big enough to call it a tree.
    Well it was a pretty ominous day waiting for the cyclone to present itself. Everyone was sandbagging their houses and tying things down.In the end Mackay dodged a rather large bullet and I'm glad to say we all woke up fairly unscathed. Thanks for the wishes guys. I feel sorry for further north, they just survived a nightmare.
    Timmmy newbie
    Timmmy newbie
    Good news Moshman,I wonder how Jas went?
    Good to hear Mosh! Was a bit worried when it started to head Sth-ish.
    two cyclones in 4 days. This one is nearly on us and not so bad, the next is category 5 and is gonna be bad!
    Getting closer and intensifying! :O
    Good luck, mate, and praying for you lot up north!
    Mosh, I wish you all the best mate. Looking at the way it's tracking south in the last few hours...and it just got upgraded to cat 4.
    Got anywhere you can get too?
    As Gas said - fingers crossed for you and yours.
    Timmmy newbie
    Timmmy newbie
    Good luck Moshman, I hope your somewhere safe.
    I hope everyone in the South is safe. All the best.
    Hallo mate - was wondering how you fared with the flooding up North. Good luck with theose cyclones mate!
    Three months of rain? That sucks! The last week of rain here has actually been good for my plants and has given them a break from being smashed by the sun (which is just destroying them). Another week or two of rain would have been just the thing but not sorry to see the sun back either due to the flooding situation.
    Hope your plants OK! And have an awesome new years tonight!
    Happy New Year everybody! I hope you all find what you are looking for this coming year.
    Hey mate, just thought I would check in. You guys haven't been affected by the floods up there, have you?
    Hi Josh, what color is your Ringneck?
    I used to breed all the colors a few years back and I'm thinking of getting into them again...later
    dude, feed pepper pods to your parrot and he'll crap out extra easy to germinate seeds. lol. embarrassed he accidently posted the same topic three times. Oops.
    If you were really embarassed you would not call more attention to it by posting a status update about it.
    True true but it was pretty obvious at the time.
    I just brought my new son home from the hospital, 2 days old and very healthy at 8 pounds 8. Happy times!
    thanks all! Now I get to experience the broken sleep. It's all worth it though.
    Only just saw this - congratulations mate.
    Hope you're getting some sleep!
    Oh... and you didnt name him Bhut did ya?

    Mate those Big Reds you sent are just nuts! Ive never had a 3 1/2 day germination - and all six seeds produced a result...
    Growing so fast Im worried they might be bloody triffids ;) haha
    No worries, hope you have good luck with 'em all! The Yellow Bhuts, Bihs, and Dorsets are from PepperLover and I've had 99% germination so they should be sweet. The Fijian Embers on the other hand, well, let's just say that I hope you have better luck with them than I did! These ones were from a different pod though and no black dots this time so I guess you never know....
    Fingers crossed! Seeds are on their way. I labeled them and put them in between a folded up sheet of paper (Neil's growing guide haha) so hopefully they make it this time.
    Sorry dude, I've been a major slacko (and a bit crook the past week) and haven't sent the seeds yet. They'll be in the post box first thing Monday.
    I got a small amount of leftover seeds from this season too I could send as well if you are interested. Yellow Bhuts, Bihs, etc. Let me know if you want them and I'll send them too.
    Grow season is well and truly on.
    Good luck mate - its shaping up to be a cracker here too.
    oh snap
    I have a few overwinters doing quite well now Geeme, I just hope the marathon downpour we just had doesn't spoil it. When I get home from work next week I am gonna start germinating those Douglah's John, I can't wait to try one but also am a little scared.. hehe
    No worries, I will dry some more out now and post them after the weekend. The cardboard idea sounds like a goer too.... will probably do something like that this time around (as well as labeling the baggie just in case).
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