That's awesome Dan. I sure love to hunt and my wife and I want to get several acres out near the Jackson/Hillsdale area. It will be a few years, but it's definitely something we want. I want a massive garden, chickens, a couple pigs, and of course some lovely Deer which I would consider free ranging cattle....LMAO!!! Good luck on your deer. When it's deer season we should keep in touch once in a while and see how the lucks going. I have a really good spot that is VERY overlooked on state land that looks promising. I'll have to see how it pans out. Also, I just thought of asking it out of curiosity. One of your seeds says puriana and I have it growing, but I can't find it. I can find a purira though. Is that the plant it is? Either way all peppers are good, but I'm just curious. Thanks again and take it easy. Glad to have you as a friend on here.