JoeyK Jan 6, 2012 Ate my first Dorset Naga that I grew, turns out I am not as tough as i thought i was
JoeyK Jul 7, 2011 Awww maaan just got told by the boss I have to pay $10 a week for parking, I doth protest and end up with a city parking violation of $73 arrrrrgh
Awww maaan just got told by the boss I have to pay $10 a week for parking, I doth protest and end up with a city parking violation of $73 arrrrrgh
Nova Jun 14, 2011 Nah not drowned, yet. It will not stop raining though. Well ABSOLUTELTY PISSING DOWN actually LOL
JoeyK Jun 2, 2011 If you go out for a big night and by some misadventure you end up in a prison cell, you can count on your best friend to bail you out, but your best mate will be in there beside you
If you go out for a big night and by some misadventure you end up in a prison cell, you can count on your best friend to bail you out, but your best mate will be in there beside you
JoeyK May 30, 2011 Getting nervous the its getting colder by the day. The Frosty Grim Reaper of plants is roaming the outer areas and moving closer to the city.
Getting nervous the its getting colder by the day. The Frosty Grim Reaper of plants is roaming the outer areas and moving closer to the city.