Hey y'all! It's been far too long since I last got on here, it's been a crazy few months. Stay tuned for a video glog and possibly some more pepper review videos!
Just had the Jalapeno Fresco Chicken sandwich and ghost pepper fries at Wendy's. Good flavors for both (Cheese on fries is my weakness). ZERO heat. Was expecting at least habanero level heat.
Seed tally so far: 3 Peach Ghosts, 7 Malawi Piquante, 1 Golden Marconi, 1 Big Thai, 1 Latin Flare, 1 Aji Umbra, and 4 randoms...more and more every day!
Did my final harvest the other day, I have just shy of a 5gal bucket worth of a variety of green unripe peppers, any idea what I could do with them all?
Wow, feels like I haven't been on here in a long while...been so busy with grad work and all. Anyways, prepping the indoor setup for plants, doing a final harvest, and selecting which plants get to come in out of the cold...pics to follow in my glog should be up in the next day or so!
I have an overabundance of peppers and no idea what to do with them all...10 quart sized mason jars and two quart sized ziplocs full...might be time to make some sauces and powders this weekend!
Beheaded two hornworms hanging around on my aji plants and left their carcasses hanging as a warning to any others that lurk nearby. In unrelated news, expect new video pod reviews in the next few days!
I just got nominated for the ice bucket challenge twice in less than an hour...thinking of incorporating peppers into my challenge and calling it the icy hot challenge...