Hot Pooper
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  • If I had a pepper on a Scorpion plant that had a different wrinkle on it, could I call it a Maruga Satan Bubblegum Viper Volcano Dragon? I mean seriously people, this is getting down right rediculous.
    How come I posted a new thread, have seen lots of people in there, but it's showing that there are no views?
    takes a while to refresh, i guess.
    Got a new sauce. Anyone that wants to try it should check out my thread in the sauces section!
    Ok...NOW I see why people tell people to search so dang much. There have been some REALLY stupid questions that have been asked lately. Which all could have been answered with a simple search. WOW
    Hot Pooper
    Hot Pooper
    And you know, Souf...that's not as bad as some of the questions out there. lol
    To those who have never asked a "really stupid question" in their lives, you must be under immense pressure to uphold that lofty status...
    i'll be the first to admit when i was new i posted some questions that had been covered before but it was suggested that i learn to use the "search" function and once i did i searched lots and learned WAY more about growing this way than just getting the 1 question answered.
    Honestly, who gives a damn if someone searched a topic or not? Just answer the damn question.
    Hot Pooper
    Hot Pooper
    I just think it's funny that people will take the time to post a reply telling them to search when they could have taken the same amount of effort and answered the questions. If they made the thread, it's out there. This isn't directed at any particular one person. I've seen it on several sites.
    I understand both views. I was a better learner in school when I went up to the teacher for help and she explained it to me rather then telling me to look for the answer in the text book. New members need to know about the search function on this site. But they would benefit more if the question was answered, then explain the search. I know its annoying but your taking the time to reply to the post anyways
    Hot Pooper
    Hot Pooper
    Happy Birthday!!!!!
    Hot Pooper
    Hot Pooper
    Thanks! Finally got a chance to get on the computer for a few. Been on vacation since yesterday!
    HBTY Big Guy - hope it's the best one yet!
    Hot Pooper
    Hot Pooper
    Eh, it coulda been better. Started out pretty crappy, but has been pretty decent since then. Well, kinda...was SUPPOSED to eat at Joe's Crab Shack tonight, but apparently they are only serving certain people until their official opening on Tuesday.
    Dude, where have you been ?
    Hot Pooper
    Hot Pooper
    I THOUGHT I was with friends. Apparently 2 people want to ruin that. I'm here to stay, if people want me back. At this point, I dont really give a shit.
    I won't ask who they are but that sucks.Yes, of course we want you back. I think!
    Is that a Barret in your avatar? ....
    Nope ,AR -15 W/Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf Upper
    Justaguy asked me to let everyone know that he is securing his family and taking care of business. The power went out as we spoke on the phone. Good luck Brian...
    Thank you Sean. We made it through with minimal damage. Almost had a tree down but the wind let up a little. Tomorrow it may be getting cut down.
    Glad things are ok Brian.
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