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  1. Wustenfuchs

    NeWbIe fRoM sAn JoSe

    :welcome: Welcome from another San Jose Bill (well actually I moved down to Morgan Hill about a year ago).  Enjoy your stay!
  2. Wustenfuchs

    Greetings from Huntington Beach!

    :welcome: Greetings from NorCal.  Huntington Beach was one of my old stomping grounds way back maybe 40 years ago!  
  3. Wustenfuchs

    Shout Out to MGOLD86

    Wow cool, good on you Matt! :)
  4. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Catatonic state  
  5. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    War Pigs  
  6. Wustenfuchs

    Holy cow, how did I no know about this forum?!?!

    Welcome from California!
  7. Wustenfuchs

    fermenting Fermentation Issues

    Are you using salt?   BTW, welcome to THP!
  8. Wustenfuchs

    Help With Pepper ID

    You're welcome. :)   I lived in San Jose for about 30 years but moved down here to Morgan Hill just over a year ago.
  9. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Miss Vietnam
  10. Wustenfuchs

    Help With Pepper ID

    I was going to say it might be Brazilian Rainbow, which looks a lot like Bolivian Rainbow but has a white flower, but I think you may have nailed it with Centennial Rainbow.
  11. Wustenfuchs

    The official TOMATO thread

    Wow, nice!  :dance:
  12. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Near miss
  13. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Beer bong
  14. Wustenfuchs

    vendor What THP member vendors sell "isolated" seed stock?

    The Hippy Seed Company and Semillas de Palma come to mind.
  15. Wustenfuchs

    Hello from Montana!

    Welcome, nice plants!
  16. Wustenfuchs

    Help With Pepper ID

    +1 on the Bolivian Rainbow.   BTW welcome to THP, we're nearly neighbors!
  17. Wustenfuchs

    New to Growing peppers

  18. Wustenfuchs

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    "Ed is a cool guy and should not be considered in tandem with that "other guy"."  Amen.   I see in the vendor's vault he has another victim.
  19. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Air head
  20. Wustenfuchs

    Hello from Sacramento!

    Welcome from the Bay Area!