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  1. Wustenfuchs

    Word game

    Siccy Siccy Siccy...   You knocked me off track....!
  2. Wustenfuchs

    Hello from Sweden!

    Welcome Johan from the sunny northern California!   :welcome:
  3. Wustenfuchs

    Unknown pepper from Bangladesh

    A friend of mine picked up a basket of Bombay Morich peppers in a farmer's market in Dhaka.  He found two odd strays in with the Morich peppers, anyone have any idea of what they may be?  They are on the low end of the superhot scale.   Bombay Morich and the two mystery peppers.
  4. Wustenfuchs

    halo's from Chicago

    Welcome from California!   :welcome:
  5. Wustenfuchs

    Hi from Washington State!

    Welcome James!
  6. Wustenfuchs

    Hi from Nottingham

    Welcome from the San Francisco Bay area!   :welcome:
  7. Wustenfuchs

    Big Thanks to Compmodder

    Beautiful pods!  Very cool of you Compmodder.   :)
  8. Wustenfuchs

    More Pods 4 Fun Closed, more on the way stay tuned

    Congrats djinn!
  9. Wustenfuchs

    The incredibly delicious Bonda ma Jacques

    I've been curious about this one, always heard it had phenomenal taste.  Now I'm convinced.  This will be in next years garden!   Another great review Nigel!
  10. Wustenfuchs

    Hello From Vegas!

    Hey Matt!  Welcome from the San Francisco Bay area!   :welcome:
  11. Wustenfuchs

    Ajijoe wants to kill me...........

    Wowza!  Good on ya Joe!
  12. Wustenfuchs

    Best option for cleaning used pots

    Actually, the green/algae stuff shouldn't cause any problems.
  13. Wustenfuchs

    More Pods 4 Fun Closed, more on the way stay tuned

    Yet another groovy contest from Judy!  :dance:   7 Pod Jonah.
  14. Wustenfuchs

    for-sale Carolina Reaper seeds for sale. $0.25 Each

    There is way more than germination rates, growing true, who owns what, if and when you will be sued involved here.   Butch ain't Joe.
  15. Wustenfuchs

    Best option for cleaning used pots

    I've always washed them out real well with soap and hot water, rinsed and soaked for at least an hour in a water-bleach solution.  But that's just me, seems the folks above have the same basic idea going on with what works for them.  :)
  16. Wustenfuchs

    Does growing a particular pepper in a less than optimal climate effect the quality of that pepper's

    I once asked the same question to a well known seedsman (a reputable one) and all he could say was he knows of no evidence to prove it either way.  Well that didn't really answer the question, but it helps, sort of.   :eh:   A good question Ambiotic. 
  17. Wustenfuchs

    Hello from Italy

    Welcome from the San Francisco Bay area!  :welcome:
  18. Wustenfuchs

    Another Amazing package from Terry (Buddy)

    Wow, that's really cool!
  19. Wustenfuchs


    Welcome to THP!