Ajijoe wants to kill me...........

Ok, he doesn`t really. Kill me with kindness, maybe!
I just received the box of peppers to end all boxes of peppers from Ajijoe. I haven`t even started to work my way through it to see what there is in there, other than a few that are labelled in bags. 
He sent an LFRB stuffed to the gills with all sorts of amazing things. 
Joe, I can`t thank you enough, but I can thank you publicly and tell you how much I appreciate your friendship.

you are very welcome nigel have fun with that as aways my great pleasure to give
im in the process of ripping out my garden a little everyday and have 99 percent got what i want and have more than i can use
im going to wit until im done and tally up what i have and will make up a few more FRB's gonna pack the fridge full also have alot of green pods i will be throwing in as well
thanks again all you are all very kind to me as well
friendship is gold to me and i treat it as such
if im trying to kill you "NIJ" what a way to go right :drooling:  ;)
this is my first year for doing this on a grand scale and im liking it alot stay tuned
thanks your friend Joe
PepperDaddler said:
What kind of sauce is that there?
its a clone of a chuncky VIETNAMESE GARLIC i made, i sent some to Nigel to try, i made a small batch (1 quarts worth) and i thought it came out preaty good for my first attempt at that type of sauce
thanks your frind Joe
PepperDaddler said:
A chili garlic sauce? I like.
What kind of peppers did you use?
ah yes as do i, i love garlic but my wife cant stand me when i eat too much LOL
its a mix of Thai and larger Chiles such as Pico de pajaro,chile Amanda, and a few but not too many ornamentals
thanks for asking
your friend Joe
Nigel said:
Ok, he doesn`t really. Kill me with kindness, maybe!
I just received the box of peppers to end all boxes of peppers from Ajijoe. I haven`t even started to work my way through it to see what there is in there, other than a few that are labelled in bags. 
He sent an LFRB stuffed to the gills with all sorts of amazing things. 
Joe, I can`t thank you enough, but I can thank you publicly and tell you how much I appreciate your friendship.

He is a great guy, a man of faith, and a true gentleman.  Doesn't get any better than that!
=MadMonkey= said:
this thread needs to be moved to pepper people are the best.. cuz that's just awesome.
i agree and im rather starting to enjoy being a celibrity LOL
trust me i am not a sell out LOL
i dont do it for the fame lord know when people get to know mw im kinda strange yet not too important, i do it because it makes others feel good as well as myself
monkey thank you ,you made my day
your friend Joe
Gotrox said:
How many 5 min. reviews can you produce in a day without asploding? :dance:
But seriously.
Nice one. :cheers:
Joe da man!
HaHa, that`s funny. The most I`ve done in a day is 5, all around Fatalii-hot. I expect to try and push the limits..........