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  1. BigPapaPepper

    Bigpapapepper's first time grow

    Here is my 2nd video glog update. The pods are starting to come forth! Once i get some big pods it will be time to do spicy pepper videos for the Marlins and the Dolphins!
  2. BigPapaPepper

    Seed storage

    I keep mine in envelopes. Do they need to be sealed in bags?
  3. BigPapaPepper

    CPP Naga X Morouga Scorpion

    This one was great' you could tell his tolerance is way down from the winter. He looked worse than most of his videos usually do haha
  4. BigPapaPepper

    ยก for all that missed this !

    I don't even know if I could handle these things! That last moruga tore me up something fierce haha. My review would be something like, "hmmm it's sweet..... Holy sh&$!!!"
  5. BigPapaPepper

    Why is Ted Barrus disliked here?

    You don't have to go very far in this forum to find people being mean and flat out rude to eachother
  6. BigPapaPepper

    hot-sauce want to start a pepper sauce collection ? any suggestons ?

    good places to start hunting are the local organic stores. Also the higher end markets may have some good ones. Same with kitchen stores. I have found lots of ghost pepper sauces like this but in order to find scorpion sauces i had to go online. there are plenty of online hot sauce shops and...
  7. BigPapaPepper


    looks like its time to eat one on camera!! very cool selection. The butch t was a monster. good luck!
  8. BigPapaPepper

    Bigpapapepper's first time grow

    I cant believe how good some of these plants look! The air pruned plants definitely look the best and I will use them more next year. even the 3 gallon pots are growing big ole plants! I have so many flowers now and finally even a few tiny super chiles. I will be doing another video soon for sure!
  9. BigPapaPepper

    Bigpapapepper's first time grow

    yes the heat pulled it out! absolutely worth it lol. Now i may have to eat a pepper to celebrate!
  10. BigPapaPepper

    Bigpapapepper's first time grow

    Everything has come a ways. Here is a quick video of how things are going Lots of flowers now and hopefully will have some peppers next time and a second box setup for most of the seedlings. I have now also tried eating the Butch T and Moruga. They are intense to say the least haha
  11. BigPapaPepper

    Man, im excited

    They have a wing eating contest at Rocky's coming up on June 30th. I am definitely going to be there! Good to know there is another person in Asheville that likes hot food. Every time i go to Rocky's they look at me like im nuts ordering the ghost wings haha, i assume they dont get many...
  12. BigPapaPepper

    chinense finally tried a habanero

    Very good approach. After eating a moruga i could practically drink CaJohns trindad sauce for the next few days. The tolerance eventually goes down a little but after being baptized in fire you start to get a real taste for spicy food. The different flavors appear suddenly when eating stuff...
  13. BigPapaPepper

    hot-sauce Can you still buy Daves Insanity sauce?

    dang i never realized until now that my Daves Ghost Pepper sauce has extract in it. I thought it was just a really hot ghost pepper sauce. they sell it at the local green life here in asheville.
  14. BigPapaPepper

    Fathers Day a little early!

    The moruga madness is quite good! Very nice selection you got there
  15. BigPapaPepper

    1/4lb.Box of Bhuts Jolokia Closed Thanks All More Soon

    sweet. i cant wait to find the biggest one and eat it! for the "Heat" of course haha
  16. BigPapaPepper

    Fam. Not impressed with morugas or butch t !

    So maybe take a video of your people eating these peppers like candy! The butch t and moruga lit me up
  17. BigPapaPepper

    Holy Moruga

    Yea the stomach pain is the one thing that i hate as well. I can take the mouth and throat burn but its the hours after that it hurts gut which suck. After it is over it is fun to load the next meal with lots more spicy sauce or powder than normal as the capsaisin receptors are like toasted for...
  18. BigPapaPepper

    Holy Moruga

    Yes i watched Steve Smallwood on youtube! i was very happy to find that video as he is truly a machine. It makes me wonder if he is one of those folks who doesnt feel capsaisin burn. I was definitely not looking forward to it, more like looking forward for it to be over! Watching the video is...
  19. BigPapaPepper

    Holy Moruga

    Eat a sandwich and take a shot of pepto about 20 minutes prior to help with the gut pain. I still had to throw up. This one was ruthless and my throat has never burned so badly. It makes me wonder where on the scale that particular pepper was at. This one made me question wanting to eat another...