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    Pot Change?

    You can get 10-15 gallon grow bags for about 75c each.  They are surprisingly sturdy and stable.  Best of all they come in white which really does make a difference in root zone temps.  Google "white grow bags".   P.S.  Nice plants you have there!
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    Horn worm

    I found 2 on my tomatoes this week.  Squished.  The next day I found a small one with the wasp larvae on his back.  He was spared.  ;)
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    Pot Color - Root Temps

    I grow on a rooftop that gets extremely hot in the summer.  Black pots do absorb a lot of heat and I have had healthy plants stall.  I wrapped the pots in old white sheets and it made a real difference in the root zone temps.  Now I use white pots and white grow bags.
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    New Grower from New York

    You may already know this, but Hicks garden center in Hicksville is huge and has an excellent selection of just about everything. I have found some interesting heirloom tomatoes there and I'm sure they will have a better selection of chilies than HD. Prices are what you'd expect on LI, but the...
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    flavor Tamarind hot sauces??? any recipes out there?

    Here's an extremely easy, tasty onion-tamarind chutney. I omit the roasted chana dal, as I didn't like the effect it had on the consistency. Use whatever dried chilies make you happy.
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    seanw first glog (2013) - Racing the End of the Season...

    Hi, Just wanted to say that I enjoyed your log. Let's hope warmer weather gets here soon. Best of luck with your grow!
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    pod Old pepper seeds and pods

    That's a very cool experiment. Good luck!
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    fermenting Failed fermentation - 4 months in. Warning: ewwwwwww

    What do you think was the problem?
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    food The Art Of Blackening

    Blackened bluefish, blackened striped bass. Both excellent. If you like bluefish Stickman, keep a cocktail blue or a bunch of snappers and make ceviche. Honestly, I find the hardest thing about blackening is getting the salt just right.
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    food The Catch of the Day

    You got that venison loin just the way I like it: a little char on the outside, nice and pink inside. Good work!
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    pickling Pickling questions

    I never knew that this was the reason for canning salt! This explains why the garlic in some refrigerator dill pickles I made recently turned blue. lol. They taste fine, though. I did wonder why the garlic was never blue when my mother made them....
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    container Outdoor container garden

    Local garden centers generally throw away the planters that trees come in. The ones I'm talking about are usually about 13 gallons which is a decent size for container garden use. I usually offer them 1$ a piece and they tell me to help myself (from the dumpster lol). Black pots heat up a lot...
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    Picklese...You Have To Try This!!!

    It's kind of funny. When I read this recipe in the summer I mixed up a batch. I tried to eat it straight, like fresh kraut, and mine was too hot to enjoy like that. I really didn't enjoy it. I didn't have the heart to pitch it, so into the fridge it went, where it sat for a couple of months...
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    food Sofrito Starter

    I learned something from a Cuban woman that vastly improved my sofrito. Chop it small and give it time. Onion, then peppers, then garlic (because otherwise I'll burn the garlic). Once everything sweats a little, I turn down the heat and let it go 45+min, stirring occasionally. This brings...
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    smoking Deer Snausage

    Please post the recipe when you have a chance. That looks great. My folks also make polish sausage, no smoker, though.
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    water small scale drip irrigation main line size?

    Excellent suggestions and very helpful. Thanks a lot. I'm now thinking that the thicker main line with taps going to each pot (each attached to a valve) is the way to go. Those drippers included in the kits 1/2gal -2gal per hour would be too slow. I also like the idea of tapping into the...
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    food "Baked Beans"...............what a gas

    Nice recipe, thanks. Great presentation too!
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    water small scale drip irrigation main line size?

    I like the sound of flood. My biggest pots are 13gal I think, and by the end of July each one can suck down almost 2gal a day. It gets hot up there and it's in full sun. By valve, do you mean something like this? Could I tap into the main line and...
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    water small scale drip irrigation main line size?

    Hi, I live in an apartment and have a small, rooftop container garden. I’m done carrying 20 gallons of water up a flight of stairs everyday during the summer. So I’m looking at installing a small-scale drip irrigation system. It will attach to my kitchen faucet as I don’t...
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    cutlery Your favorite kitchen knifes...

    I use a 6" henkels chefs knife that I picked up in Germany years ago. It's easy enough to sharpen, feels comfortable in my hand, and I don't worry about destroying the knife on the stone. I can shave arm hairs with a little pressure. It gets the job done. My brother in law has a beautiful...