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  1. PepperBen

    Is this a healthy pepper?

    Plant roots are light sensitive. I would switch to a darker container or wrap the bottle with black tape. Ben
  2. PepperBen

    Blooming Feed

    To what plants are you referring to? :lol: In my hydro buckets, I switched to a low nitrogen formula once my Jolokias started fruiting. I was having blossom drop with the grow formula. The plants seem to be doing great now. Ben
  3. PepperBen

    2011 Grow List and Log

    April update. My hydroponic bhuts are doing great. Trimmed the worn down leaves that were on the scorps and they seem to be rebounding fine. My seedlings were big enough and the weather warm enough to plant outside. Some of the plants are thriving in one section of the garden while in another...
  4. PepperBen

    crazy winds ...

    +1 Franzb You have my sympathies. We can get some hellish winds here in my part of the world (CA). I've had to stake all my plants, even my seedlings because of the unpredictability of these winds. Good luck PJ! Ben
  5. PepperBen

    US Seed Trading Parcel - Round 2

    Sent out package A to Zander this morning. Tracking number 9405 5036 9930 0048 8042 56 Sorry I didn't get it out Monday as I intended. Ben
  6. PepperBen

    Bhut flower drop?

    The weather here in California has been a little rough these past two weeks raising the humidity high during the day and blowing it out in the afternoon. I'm sure that didn't help. I think my poor plants suffer more from a over-attentive parent rather than some biological ailment. Thank you...
  7. PepperBen

    Can anyone ID what's happening to my plants?

    Hmm, just noticed the multiquote button. That was wasted energy.
  8. PepperBen

    Can anyone ID what's happening to my plants?

    About an oceans length in distance. :-) All kidding aside, California did receive traceable amounts of certain elements but nothing to worry about. Ben
  9. PepperBen

    Can anyone ID what's happening to my plants?

    The storm that drove through did give them a beating. Aside from what I've mentioned, however, they withstood it pretty well. Thanks, Ben
  10. PepperBen

    Can anyone ID what's happening to my plants?

    That's what I initially thought of the large tan areas. But the smaller brown areas are what gave me pause. Ben
  11. PepperBen

    Can anyone ID what's happening to my plants?

    Underside of leaf looks pretty much the same. I am going to spray the leaves and change the water this afternoon. Our seemingly endless storm has passed and we are in the clear for a while. Thanks, Ben
  12. PepperBen

    Can anyone ID what's happening to my plants?

    The roots do have a brownish shade to them. I'll try the baking soda idea and post my results. Thanks, Ben
  13. PepperBen

    Bhut flower drop?

    Thank you. The only difference in environment has been the hand polinating and increased humidity due to the rain. I hope the flower drop is limited. I'm proud of these plants. Bhuts have been very difficult for me to grow. Ben
  14. PepperBen

    Bhut flower drop?

    Two days ago I assisted my hydroponic Bhut plants polinate themselves. Both plants are healthy and have many flowers. This morning I noticed that one plant dropped a few flowers. Just the outer crown part. Is it possible that I did something wrong? Ben
  15. PepperBen

    Can anyone ID what's happening to my plants?

    These are my hydroponic plants that I started in the greenhouse and placed outside three weeks ago. All plants have new growth and they continue to grow. However, I am wondering if the brown spots are something I should worry about. Here they are. Thanks for your help. Ben
  16. PepperBen

    US Seed Trading Parcel - Round 2

    Just received Package A. I will be shipping Monday to ZanderSpice. Ben
  17. PepperBen

    Beginner's Hydro Questions

    This is my first year with hydroponics but am having great results. As seedlings, I added a teaspoon of hydro fertilizer to my ph balanced water. Now that the plants are over three feet tall and flowering, I am adding a tablespoon. These feedings and water changes are bi-weekly. Weekly water...
  18. PepperBen

    2011 Grow List and Log

    Thank you. I was hesitant starting hydroponics this year because I have yet to have a successful soil grow. However, Deep Water Culture (DWC)is definitely the simplest form of hydroponics that only requires you follow a few simple guidelines. I am now a convert. Most of my quality peppers will...
  19. PepperBen

    2011 Grow List and Log

    That too had me nervous at first. But those particular plants are from a Mexican pequin variety I received from Mexico that is tall/thin and a fast grower. It definately is outpacing all other plants planted at the same time. And although they are thin, they are strong and do not need support...