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Can anyone ID what's happening to my plants?

These are my hydroponic plants that I started in the greenhouse and placed outside three weeks ago. All plants have new growth and they continue to grow. However, I am wondering if the brown spots are something I should worry about. Here they are.




Thanks for your help.

one of my scotch bonnet in hydro is doing the exact same thing. started abot a week ago. yesterday i took it out of hydro and washed its roots in warm water. think i will wash the roots again today but add some baking soda to the water. this time i may trim the roots as well.

i am thinking perhaps its not absorbing enough of one of the macronutrients or getting too much of another. it does get a splash of epsom salt mist frequently.

i have several other plants in the hydro centre but none of them are showing any signs.

can you look at the roots and see if they are white or turning brownish?
What does the underside of the leaf look like? Just shooting from the hip, it looks like some kind of pathogen (bacterium, fungus, virus, etc.). It could be some sort of nutrient issue like BC was getting at but I'm looking at the circles with the black rings. Could be fungal fruiting bodies.

Just as a suggestion, I would mix some baking soda in with your water and spray down the leaves.
Hmmm happening in the past week eh! looks like a classic case of radiation poisoning/burning. How close are you to Fukishima.
one of my scotch bonnet in hydro is doing the exact same thing. started abot a week ago. yesterday i took it out of hydro and washed its roots in warm water. think i will wash the roots again today but add some baking soda to the water. this time i may trim the roots as well.

i am thinking perhaps its not absorbing enough of one of the macronutrients or getting too much of another. it does get a splash of epsom salt mist frequently.

i have several other plants in the hydro centre but none of them are showing any signs.

can you look at the roots and see if they are white or turning brownish?

The roots do have a brownish shade to them. I'll try the baking soda idea and post my results.

What does the underside of the leaf look like? Just shooting from the hip, it looks like some kind of pathogen (bacterium, fungus, virus, etc.). It could be some sort of nutrient issue like BC was getting at but I'm looking at the circles with the black rings. Could be fungal fruiting bodies.

Just as a suggestion, I would mix some baking soda in with your water and spray down the leaves.

Underside of leaf looks pretty much the same. I am going to spray the leaves and change the water this afternoon. Our seemingly endless storm has passed and we are in the clear for a while.

Looks like they got somewhat weathered...Mine look like that when they've been whipped around by wind and rain.

The storm that drove through did give them a beating. Aside from what I've mentioned, however, they withstood it pretty well.

Hmmm happening in the past week eh! looks like a classic case of radiation poisoning/burning. How close are you to Fukishima.

About an oceans length in distance. :-)

All kidding aside, California did receive traceable amounts of certain elements but nothing to worry about.

i am thinking fungal

treat for fungus
i have some pubescens and tomatos am treating
for fungus with neem oil spray
if it is sun scald i guess would be
bigger gray then black spotting
the kelp meal to the dripline did not seem to stop the
spots and leaf drop

Xanthomonas may be the disease for you


i think you should isolate the ones that gots it
from those that do not have it YET :eek:

on another note found voracious caterpillars tonite
at my other grow sprayed the BT already
man they ate alot really fast

edited for more fungal info