Bhut flower drop?

Two days ago I assisted my hydroponic Bhut plants polinate themselves. Both plants are healthy and have many flowers. This morning I noticed that one plant dropped a few flowers. Just the outer crown part. Is it possible that I did something wrong?





Thank you. The only difference in environment has been the hand polinating and increased humidity due to the rain. I hope the flower drop is limited. I'm proud of these plants. Bhuts have been very difficult for me to grow.

the plant may be adjusting to outside weather after being removed from the greenhouse, did you give the plant a few "hardening off" sessions?

i am experiencing flower drop in most of my chinense variety. caribbean red, orange hab and fatalii. last year my fatalii dropped all its flowers and i didn't get a pod. this year the plant gave me several nice looking flowers, i too tried to hand pollinate but again, as of mid last week all the flowers dropped. in my case, temperature change may be the issue as the plant sits on a window ledge and in the daytime gets full sun then night hits and on this side of the window the room is at 70F, the other side of the window could be as low as -40F (-30F was frequent). if my brain wasn't so challenged, i should have lowered the plant to the ground beside my dwc which has artificial lighting away from the window. maybe next time.
Last summer I had a stint of about 3 weeks or more where none of my adult Bhut's flowers would pollinate. Turns out the temps were in the upper 80s° F to low 90s° F during that period. When the temps finally dropped down to the upper 70s° F and low 80s° F they exploded. I thought my season was going to be a wash and that I might be doing something wrong. If you're doing everything right and the bugs are cooperating…your Bhuts will take off when they're ready.

Be careful not to love them too much, I think that's what they say.
The Bhuts I grew last year dropped more flowers than they produced pods. When they did produce pods, most of those would drop as well. Eventually though, they did set many, many pods. That was when the weather stayed about 80F in the day and 70F at night which was about a month before the frost that killed them.
Due to our very hot weather here in WA we are having heaps of flower drop on Bhuts.
It is normal for Bhut's to drop flowers as they are an interspecific breed (they contain both frutescens and chinense genes) but they shouldn't drop all of them. However they do produce hundreds of flowers so you should still get quite a bit of fruit. As yours have only dropped a few I wouldn't be too worried.

When I grew some in a hydro setup I noticed at the start they weren't setting so I had this tomato spray which farmers use to help the flowers pollinate and sprayed some of that on. It seemed to work but I only used it a couple of times and then the plant just did it's own thing and was setting fruit.
So if it is just a few flowers don't worry too much. Good luck
The weather here in California has been a little rough these past two weeks raising the humidity high during the day and blowing it out in the afternoon. I'm sure that didn't help.

I think my poor plants suffer more from a over-attentive parent rather than some biological ailment.

Thank you all for taking the time to reply.
Flower drop probable causes:

1. Day temp too high >95F
2. Night temp too low <65F
3. Too much nitrogen fertilizer
4. Too much water
5. Low light levels (reduces fertility).
6. Very low humidity (reduces fertility)
7. Poor air circulation (air circulation contributes to pollination).
8. Lack of pollinating insects.
9. Size of pot
10. Too much mineral in feedwater.
11. Too much grower attention.
woah, dude if the petals drop off and the pistil part stays on
and starts to obviously swell,

there is only one thing that does that

SUCCESS you need to be congratulated on a fine pollination job

wow, wow

you posted four pics and in number three even if it is out of focus there i see a bad big boy bhut
just swelling so fine it is gonna "get somebody" :dance:

keep up the good work
+100 nitwit...

you have babies...if you had flower drop, the whole stem would shrivel and eventually fall off...