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  1. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Scott, This is my first year growing peppers so not sure what to expect. Never seen any plant split so close to the ground before, like these two. Like you said most would be 8 inches tall or better before splitting. None of my other plants did this Thanks again Ramon.   Still nowhere...
  2. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Yeah gotta get the swing set up and going for my little girl. We had one of those plastic jungle gym type deals. Bought it for 40 used last year and she never really used it so we sold it for 100 last week. The people came and gave us the money for it and said they would be back on the weekend...
  3. koskorgul

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Love the foodie pics Scott. Might ahve to make an omlette tomorrow morning, has been awhile since I had one. sorry to hear about the ants. Have you ever tried what Stickman mentioned with the 50/50 borax and water? I will be using that one. Have started to se ants in the kitchen and the traps...
  4. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Jamie. I was a little worried after plant out when they started to turn yellow. I stayed Calm and Chived on, everything started to put out new growth and turn a nice green. Just wish I would have started earlier in the year with sowing seeds so they would be bigger now. Most of my plants...
  5. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Ramon, Not sure how many pics will be posted of me on the swing but am sure there will be a before, beginning and end pics.   So the last of my pic update   Carrib Red Hab. Doing very well, starting to put out some buds and split like crazy. \   Last but not least my cherry mater plant...
  6. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Sick plant update and other pics   First is the not so sick Thai Fire. Tried to get a good side shot so you can see how it was a perfect biferaction of the plant. She has started to put out some ew growth so I think the worst if over for her.   More Thai Fires, I am really impressed with these...
  7. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    +1 Agreed. Not sure if I will have the time but might be making some this weeknd. Have to get a swingset and set it up before I do anything with peppers.
  8. koskorgul

    romy6 2013

    Nice write up Jamie, going to be trying this with one of your pods when they get here. Was hoping for today but nothing in the mail so hopefully tomorrow.
  9. koskorgul

    Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

    Agreed 100% - love the Red Green show reference :P
  10. koskorgul

    **CLOSED** Baker's Peppers APRIL Giveaway/Contest!!!!

    Just received my box for this. Thanks
  11. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Scott, hoping to get some pics here soon, have has some crappy weather here the last few days right before sunset so I cant get any good shots. Suppsed to clear up so might be able to get some tonight, if not then will deff get some this weekend.   Yes, Jamie spread some love up here to...
  12. koskorgul

    Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

    Sorry to hear about your maters Annie and the issues you been having. Hoping that I dont start to run into root rot with all the rain we have been having. Plants are starting to really take off for me.   Keeping my fingers crossed that everything makes it through for ya.
  13. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Rocket Man. I did a quick check on her lastnight and no more leaves are falling off and nothing turning brown. She did put out a flower but thining I am going to pinch it off so it concentrates more on getting better. Will try and get a pic of her from the side so you can see how much she...
  14. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Been busy (swamped) here at work, has finally calmed down to where I can start to catch up on glogs.   Thanks for the infused salt directions, Have some pods I might try this with this weekend. Have you ever used a Smoke pepper infused salt? Think I might give this a shot this weekend since I...
  15. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Been checking for anymore damage every morning before work and again after. Havent seen anything new yet. Although I did have some corn husks that i threw along side of the garden so I can turn them into the soil. Found one of them about 10-12 feet up the tree. So my thinking changed from a...
  16. koskorgul

    stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

    Ditto on the nursery, I have seen only Pablano, Jalapenos this year they had some cayanne but have seen any yet this year.   Great looking pods and plants
  17. koskorgul

    pests Another Bug Egg ID

    was going to say pooped out seeds from a bird but others beat me to it.
  18. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Seperated the sick Thai Fires last week, repotted into topsoil instead of the river soil, She seems to be doing better, havent had any more leaves fall off and any that were starting to turn brown I pulled off. Looks very odd to literally see half of a plant when you look down on it from the...
  19. koskorgul

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Looks good Scott. Pepper alley is going to be awesome once it "closes up" Went out and got some JA last week and got them in the ground, cant wait for em to start producing, same with Bells. The Bells have a few pods but nothing major as of yet, just small pods no bigger than little finger nail.
  20. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks Scott. Got my fingers crossed that repotting into diff soil takes care of the issue. Still going to isolate and keep an eye on her