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Annie's 2014 Glog: FINAL Grow List before new 2014 glog

Began 2013 yesterday morning. 12 hour soak seed soak in potassium nitrate and H202 (diluted) in ice trays. Kept warm on heat mats. Mix is Promix BX with a lot of perlite added. Pre-moistened, then put in 72 cell 6 pack flats and bottom watered on heat mat to fully wet mix with Actinovate, kelp, Biotamax--a sliver--then drained, aerated with fork, then back to mats to await seeds. Lost a few seeds as I'm handier with turkey baster (obviously from seeds left in bulb when clean-up) when it's used for Q or turkey, but have plenty of viable seeds. Trying to prevent damping off. Seeds from Chris, Jamie (Romy6), Ed, Judy (pepperlover.com), peppergal, peppermania, Baker Creek, Trade Winds, Tomato Grower's Supply, My Patriot Supply . . . and my own saved. Now to prevent damping off. Have ordered Pyrethrin to go with Actinovate, lots of fans, soil temps were 85 this morning when wood stove was dying, restoked, back up to 90F, soil temps (sorry, no pic), as while carrying in wood in our ice and snow/ice storm yesterday morning, I fell. Sorta fell. Falling would have hurt less: why do we try to stop the inevitable? This is my first grow of superhots, so please, any suggestions?! Lemme know, please. Right now the domes are on again, but will be slanting them off in a couple days, if not sooner, and always, flats get 20 minutes fresh air in morning. (Freezing but fresh air <grin>.)




Lights and mylar box--other side of shelving unit is large white sheet (and I know the mylar is crinkled). Also there's some diluted Clorox gunk am gonna get off, but for now, I like the idea of diluted Clorox gunk.


Other side lights: fans


Thanks to so many helpful members here. I hope these seeds hook, live long, prosper, aka do not damp-off. Updates, I hope :rolleyes:. Peace, Annie
WalkGood said:
¿Dónde está tu muchacha? Espero que todo esta bueno :)
Mi hermano, he estado aqui, aspirando lluvia que vino en el sotano . . .  y hay mas veniendo. Algunas de las plantas de tomate estan muertos, ahogados. Pero, no vivo cerca de Chicago en este momento, sabes? Querido, thanks for asking!--all that work, I go out there and get depressed. I hope everybody is holding well against the most insane weather I've ever seen in May and June. Peace ;)
Sorry to read about the bad weather & tomato loss but I know you're tuff ... give mama nature hell and in the end I'm sure you'll have pods.
Devv said:
Okies, we have a warrant out for the muchacha!
Hope all is well!
Scott, thanks! If we can get past the maybe last remnant of the derecho that hit midwest today, hail, rain, maybe really high winds, super high winds, we might be okay from here out. (I said same last Sunday when dumped 4 inches on already wet ground, in an hour.) I've never seen weather like this around here! Also wheat straw is sprouting wheat "grass." Have no source for it now but to buy it, and damn, just damn! :rofl: Have lost some tomatoes, could lose them all, tried trenching to let water run off--these ARE raised beds, but just at bottom of slope, smh, filled in some peat, perlite, but root rot is just root rot! Been trying to make another batch compost tea, but every time do so, some major weather event is called for. So if could make it, why make it as just gonna wash? Meanwhile, wet vaccing basement because true--french drain is crushed at several points and uh, nobody's planning to fix it anytime soon. A little discouraged. But more than anything, I pray everybody is safe in Midwest and safe in path of the hail, winds, rain coming today.
WalkGood said:
Sorry to read about the bad weather & tomato loss but I know you're tuff ... give mama nature hell and in the end I'm sure you'll have pods.
Ramon, mi hermano, I have resigned myself to MNature! She can be a fickle bitch but I gotta go with her, since notta lotta options. See above post to Scott. I've done all I can and some that I shouldn't have, given damage to  bod. But trying. That's the way it goes. I just can't move the garden. After ya done the best ya can, ya done the best ya can, sabes? But at this juncture, there's this gigantic gonzo POS walnut tree not on this property and I've hinted . . . hell, even offered that if she'd give up wood, I'll pay somebody to cut it for wood to sell, since the thing's half dead and with 60 mph winds possibly today in wet ground. . . oh well. Just praying here, mon. Hope everybody is safe in the path of MNature!

Sorry to hear about your maters Annie and the issues you been having. Hoping that I dont start to run into root rot with all the rain we have been having. Plants are starting to really take off for me.
Keeping my fingers crossed that everything makes it through for ya.
Dang, it ain't near that bad over here. <knock on wood>
Today ain't over though either,
I'd like to plow my neighbor's taters if it's dry enough before it comes a shower.
Peace, child, things don't always git worse.
Sorry to hear of your woes this season Annie. It has been a heckuva spring hasn't it? I don't know what your yard layout is, but maybe you'll move your raised beds further upslope next season if that's an option. We're pullin' for ya here... we're all in this together.
stickman said:
Sorry to hear of your woes this season Annie. It has been a heckuva spring hasn't it? I don't know what your yard layout is, but maybe you'll move your raised beds further upslope next season if that's an option. We're pullin' for ya here... we're all in this together.
Agreed 100% - love the Red Green show reference :P
koskorgul said:
Sorry to hear about your maters Annie and the issues you been having. Hoping that I dont start to run into root rot with all the rain we have been having. Plants are starting to really take off for me.
Keeping my fingers crossed that everything makes it through for ya.
Yeah, weather's just been the weirdest I can recall on record, Rob: hope you don't get root rot either and are safe!
JJJessee said:
Dang, it ain't near that bad over here. <knock on wood>
Today ain't over though either,
I'd like to plow my neighbor's taters if it's dry enough before it comes a shower.
Peace, child, things don't always git worse.
JJJCarl ;) . . . oh it can't git worser, but I sho can make it worse by not practicing acceptance of things I just can't change. Ma Nature just gonna do what Ma Nature gonna do. At least I picked up buncha stuff that could be blown around iffin ;) them thar forecasters is right. Peace, and hope the stuff continues to miss you, hon.
stickman said:
Sorry to hear of your woes this season Annie. It has been a heckuva spring hasn't it? I don't know what your yard layout is, but maybe you'll move your raised beds further upslope next season if that's an option. We're pullin' for ya here... we're all in this together.
Rick, I thought about the roof for upslope :rofl: In the Piedmont, everything is on some danged slope! Stay safe!
koskorgul said:
Agreed 100% - love the Red Green show reference :P
Yeah, and I was thinking this one, Rob, by Brotherhood of Man: "United We Stand (Divided We Fall)"
I'm sorry to hear about the bad luck you're having this year. As you mentioned it has been a crazy spring, and it just keeps happening!
Hang in there Annie!
I read about the derecho they forecast, just crazy!
annie57 said:
… Ramon, mi hermano, I have resigned myself to MNature! She can be a fickle bitch but I gotta go with her, since notta lotta options. …
A little discouraged … hey you are only human and you mi hermana are entitled. Do what you can and pray for the best, if you get washed out, we’ve got your back. I hope my production picks up so I don’t have to freeze to build inventory but as soon as I have a good pull, I’ll send some your way if needed. In the mean time, promise me not to get discouraged any more :)

WalkGood runs to get some seaweed for head to perform his anti- high wind, hail and rain dance … good luck muchacha and stay out of harms way in the bad weather.
Devv said:
I'm sorry to hear about the bad luck you're having this year. As you mentioned it has been a crazy spring, and it just keeps happening!
Hang in there Annie!
I read about the derecho they forecast, just crazy!
Thanks, Scott. Makes me wanna move down your way. Neh. Nobody really has it any worse than anybody else. However, el  derecho is taking a toll. Just got off phone with friend down east. I sure hope KY keeps cloud cover and that our mountain ranges to west and north stop or significantly diminish this thing. Ground's wet but we have more hardwoods than eastern NC where they have a lot of pine aka, more shallow-rooted. I mean, warnings for the entire state? Geez.
WalkGood said:
A little discouraged … hey you are only human and you mi hermana are entitled. Do what you can and pray for the best, if you get washed out, we’ve got your back. I hope my production picks up so I don’t have to freeze to build inventory but as soon as I have a good pull, I’ll send some your way if needed. In the mean time, promise me not to get discouraged any more :)

WalkGood runs to get some seaweed for head to perform his anti- high wind, hail and rain dance … good luck muchacha and stay out of harms way in the bad weather.
Thanks, mi hermano! You have no idea how words of encouragement mean so much now. I gotta try to convince my mother to come over here, since my father still works, or goes down there, part-time for my brother. I might have a huge walnut tree near house BUT I have a basement in case el derecho . . . at this point, am concerned about garden, hail, more rain, yes: but there's a warning for every county in NC. I really, as I told Scott, HOPE the Blue Ridge and cloud cover in KY, can slow el derecho down, as right now, I'm most concerned about life as we aren't prepared for this mess. Nobody has a generator, etc. I appreciate you, hon. Thought about going around neighborhood scattering corn meal. Old Cherokee blessing.
Sorry about all the weather and physical problems that you had and are going through, Back problems is what finally put me on the disabled list, Since then its been one thing or another, last couple of years the weather has been crazy here , we had a cold wet season right up to our spring frost time which set me back two weeks on my planting time I was getting really tired of taking about 150 plants outside just to bring them back in for a week then back out again.
We had a few bad storms that ended up going your way, sorry about that, We are do for some more and possibly bad weather this weekend and into the next work week. Hopefully it will break up and not head your way, I had 4 inches of standing water for a week in the garden from our last storm that kept me from pulling weeds that had worked their way into my raised beds.
My beds need to be rebuilt, but living on a small disability check has kept me from getting it fixed, hopefully I can get them taken care of next year or I'll have to go to containers which might not be a bad idea as I already have several large containers that I'm using along with 5 gallon buckets.
Hopefully the weather will behave and give us some good days before it gets to hot, already its been near 90F and above.
Here's wishing you and yours the best and that you have a good season.   
Stevie Ray has been playin' his ass off here in Tejas for the last 2 days!
I really want my peppers to mature..but I'm still singing "let's get it on.." Even after two close calls with lightning yesterday...can you say diaper change...
Can't help it after all these years of drought, I can deal with it :D
Just had a turd floater maximus, second time lightning broke our home network..running out of parts..LOL
I hope the weather straightens out for you soon.  The weather had been a little odd here too.  Lots of rain and wind but
no hail.  We are very much like eastern NC here.
wildseed57 said:
Sorry about all the weather and physical problems that you had and are going through, Back problems is what finally put me on the disabled list, Since then its been one thing or another, last couple of years the weather has been crazy here , we had a cold wet season right up to our spring frost time which set me back two weeks on my planting time I was getting really tired of taking about 150 plants outside just to bring them back in for a week then back out again.
We had a few bad storms that ended up going your way, sorry about that, We are do for some more and possibly bad weather this weekend and into the next work week. Hopefully it will break up and not head your way, I had 4 inches of standing water for a week in the garden from our last storm that kept me from pulling weeds that had worked their way into my raised beds.
My beds need to be rebuilt, but living on a small disability check has kept me from getting it fixed, hopefully I can get them taken care of next year or I'll have to go to containers which might not be a bad idea as I already have several large containers that I'm using along with 5 gallon buckets.
Hopefully the weather will behave and give us some good days before it gets to hot, already its been near 90F and above.
Here's wishing you and yours the best and that you have a good season.   
I'm sorry about your back, George. Weather's just . . . weather. When that jet stream drops down from up around Canada WHERE IT'S SUPPOSED TO STAY :confused: :rolleyes: and goes just a tad south, we all get hammered. You be well, hon and Happy Father's Day! :dance:
Devv said:
Stevie Ray has been playin' his ass off here in Tejas for the last 2 days!
I really want my peppers to mature..but I'm still singing "let's get it on.." Even after two close calls with lightning yesterday...can you say diaper change...
Can't help it after all these years of drought, I can deal with it :D
Just had a turd floater maximus, second time lightning broke our home network..running out of parts..LOL
So, Scott, it's finally floodin' down in Tejas? WOW. In your area? Just WOW! I think the system George mentioned is heading our way--it's your system too--thanks a bunch fellas, :rofl:  but might not, according to NOAA, make it over mountains into Piedmont. Am really sorry about the home network mess. Looks like you got it up and moving. Power outtages and "fixes" by city workers, yeah, buddy: they just knocked power off, abruptly, repeatedly, so I finally just turned everything off, lit some candles, lit the lantern my dad was born by and read. Which was probably lots more fun than my grandmother was having when she uh, needed that lantern for the above-mentioned purpose. Happy Father's Day! :party:
roper2008 said:
I hope the weather straightens out for you soon.  The weather had been a little odd here too.  Lots of rain and wind but
no hail.  We are very much like eastern NC here.
Linda, I thought of you when power came back on and they were showing VA Beach. People out on beach watching it well, about to blast them: they do same thing on OBX. Hmm. Me? I know 12 not only floods but is about 30' below sea level, and breaks away into ocean right before Pamlico Sound, so I'm outta there!
I got crazy and tried to fix the "standing water in garden" situation after the wind stopped blowing enough for me not to fear falling trees. Just need a head lamp and an old piece of garden hose. Hmm. :P Have a great, dry weekend!
Yanked rest of lettuces, etc. Spare pastes toms went in both sides this, after making another batch of compost teas that made 60 gallons, diluted:

Then, yanked the toms that were obviously root-rotted and put in these--I thought the siphon idea would save them but they were already kinda gonners so:


I'm fully aware that these are not peppers. :rolleyes:
But these are, new JA Hab (Ramon/Walkgood) and another Naga in onion bed:

Podding up: safer in that little greenhouse, I suppose. And with bro, Naga:

Wet gunk is from paint strainers with compost. Need to feed these since the JA Hab is podding up nicely.
Next up, Caribbean Red that's doing strange stuff; I guess it didn't want its pods to drown. I love an intelligent pepper!

And Fatalii:

Naga is rockin--loved that siphon!

Took ton of pics today after applying all that compost tea. (But photobucket is fighting me. May post more tomorrow.) Also found some eggs on bottom leaves of winter squash. It's gonna get tragic for those pests. Might have to go nuclear but lets see what the leaves dunked in tea does.
Happy Father's Day to everybody!!! :party: Peace, Annie.
Wow drowned tomatoes? Now that's staying wet!
The peppers look like they're taking it in strides, actually looking very good!
Hoping the weather levels off for you!
So, question here, any ideas for a grasshopper invasion?
Devv said:
Wow drowned tomatoes? Now that's staying wet!
The peppers look like they're taking it in strides, actually looking very good!
Hoping the weather levels off for you!
So, question here, any ideas for a grasshopper invasion?
At bottom of slight slope were toms: some take lots of water, some don't (and I even gave them aspirin water to build their little immune systems, lol); it's all fine since Pink Berkley Tie-Dye, one Bella Rosa, a Kell's breakfast--all beefs doing okay--but need those others for sauce. Just delays cannin' maters, which is fine by me: that's when I post to post an ad on C-list or something, "documented or not, labor needed for scalding, peeling, deseeding . . . " :rolleyes: Bought time to get a Victorio or Roma saucer. How do y'all do it with maters?
I dunno about grasshoppers, Scott but I knows about telepathic now, as I was going to PM you with same pregunta--I saw a couple Kung Fus when watering in tea and taking pics yesterday. Now, an infestation, I'd see the damage. But this product might work. I'd say 5 lbs. Bait for grasshoppers. I swear by Sluggo Plus as "bait" for earwigs, rollypollies, aka, pill/sowbugs and yes, they DO eat non-decaying plant matter. They decimate. The only other option anybody I found had was Sevin--the dust--not liquid . . . maybe there are more options. Bird attractors? Let some tall grass grow up. OR, if a damn good shot, a pellet gun. Happy Father's Day! :P (Let me know about that saucing, what method you use, and if you find anything--supposed to be another bait but is rated less effective.)