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  1. koskorgul

    food Pulled pork and home made BBQ

    Decided to try my hand at home made BBQ sauce and pulled pork. Took about an 8 -9 lb pork shoulder and added a dryrub to it. Seared it off in a pan and put in a crockpot on the low setting.   For the BBQ sauce I made my own and developed this recipe on the fly. 3 med sized turnips 3 table spoons...
  2. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    actually I threw them in my kids's pool and jumped in with them. yeah I didnt feel any younger at all.
  3. koskorgul

    wanted looking for scorpion pods

    Looking for a SFRB of Scorpion pods. Shoot me a PM with a price and paypal if you have any you can spare
  4. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    I found some cocoons when I was turning the soil in the one garden. They looked like the ones posted except they didnt have the hook on the end and were much smaller. Did some research and found out they were the Cicada cacoons.   
  5. koskorgul

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    <---- grabs pen and paper, starts over at page 1. All set LOL what do i get if I ace the test?   been taking notes from alot of the posts here. I dont think I would have any peppers going in the ground if it wasnt for THP.
  6. koskorgul

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Damn I went back over your glog and somehow I had missed a whole page. Love the corn man, wish I had room for it. We usually get a bunch from the local farmers market, blanch and freeze also. Everyone loves it. I want to get some popcorn and grow that atleast once. Growing up our neighbors had a...
  7. koskorgul

    Less than 24 hrs and plant out starts

    Less than 24 hrs and plant out starts
  8. koskorgul

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    Stay safe out there Chris. Hope the fires burn out and dont make it to your peppers. Being in the middle of fire department and fire airstrip, I dont think you have anything wor worry about LOL. Always good to have an evac plan though.
  9. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    All systems are a go for planting out this weekend. I am looking forward to getting them in the dirt. Hitting up home depot tonight for the final few things I will need. Have to get some more potting soil to pot up some of them before they hit the dirt, have to get some chicken wire, I think...
  10. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Set all  my plants back outside lastnight and it looks like they can stay there till plant out this weekend. Was checking them over lastnight after I set them out and it looks like the Thai Fire's are all getting their first flowers on them. Not positive at this time as they are very very small...
  11. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    Thanks all, she is something else I will say that. I cant wait to get her out in the garden with me this weekend. Am thinking about giving her her own little spot to dig in while I plant everything. That way I dont hear, look daddy I picked it as she is holding a plant I just put in the ground...
  12. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Yes, would love to see what the pupa stage looks like Wish I could say the same thing for salt water. Unfortunately I live to far inland.
  13. koskorgul

    Dirt day in T minus 3 days

    Dirt day in T minus 3 days
  14. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Yeah they wouldnt make it in the salt water but I would still bet that the fish would go for it. Also, depends on when you go and where and tides. Where I used to go was close to the Bay bridge, the salt water and fresh water would really start to mix right in that area so the helgimites might...
  15. koskorgul

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    Not sure if I mentioned this before or not but back like 10 yrs ago I grew a cherry tomato plant that i had submitted into the Guiness book of world records to see if it was the biggest tomato plant. It measured 20'4" tall at last measurement. Record was over 65', anyhow I was picking a crisper...
  16. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    I love to get a boat load of em and take down to the Chesapeake Bay for some stripers
  17. koskorgul

    WalkGood 2013, 2014 and Beyond

    Never seen a sphinx moth yet, hope to never see one anytime soon either. From what I am reading here, they are the debil. LOL Now I have seen a lunar moth and those things are huge.   ever had the pleasure of dealing with these things?   We...
  18. koskorgul

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

    Looking good Scott love the lady bug porn, how to get a few of them on my peppers. I had seen a few earlier but havent seen any for a few weeks now. Might have to buy some if necessary.
  19. koskorgul

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    Looking good Chris Will be planting mine out this weekend. Should only be about 40 plants or so as some just arent ready yet. Will plant them up to bigger pots though. Also bought 2 maters and a cherry mater plant this past weekend, they will be going in this weekend also along with a bell...
  20. koskorgul

    Koskorgul -2014 Grow List

    All plants spent the night inside lastnight and will probably do the same tonight. Had a freeze warning last night and is supposed to be cold tonight. Rest of the week it is supposed to warm up into the 70's-80's with lows in the 50 's and 60's. Looks like plant out is a go for this weekend...