• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
WalkGood said:
Scott I'm running FF 20.0.1 and the smilies work even though I use more symbols like in irc over the more graphical stuff ~_^
I'm on my Linux box now. Old version of Firefox (3.something) :rolleyes: , everything seems to work. I have 20.01 at work on Win8...broken. The backroom PC has IE 10 and I'm not sure what Firefox version..it's broken too.
Bed time 4 AM comes quick!
I don't like how it now handles quotes or multi-Quote it doesn't reproduce the BB code like it did in the past, making editing it a bitch IMHO. That's really my biggest issue.
Devv said:
This morning IE seems to work, weird, same version, home's broke. Upgraded Firefox to 21.0, can't post at work, says "your post is empty". No useful info on the IP Board site.
Edit: Firefox can be fixed, and I'm sure IE:
Read here:
Clear cache:
I should have known better... :P
That's probably why mine was working, I'm in a habit to clear the cache twice a week on all our machines but I don't use IE other than for one specific purpose which has nothing to do with this here.
Well not to get real technical but a browser shouldn't cache a post, I write code. When you post you're sending info to another script and it processes the input...
Anyways, it's OK now, but it did irritate me!
Today's Wed? Been real busy. Monday I put up the sun shade, if I already mentioned that chalk it up to senility...
Yesterday and today were watering catchup days. The fruit trees were hurting.
The Chinense in the garden are looking much better, I didn't have to spray the sulfur. The container plants got hit with sulfur spray yesterday, hope it doesn't hurt them, but they still look bad. I moved them onto the pool desk. I'm thinking the mites started out where I had them on the south side of the house.
Anyways, film at 11
Have a good evening...
Love those little lizards. There's lots in Mexico where I used to live. We call them "quiji".

I couldn't get in THP a few days ago, it said it was under maintenance. Hmmmm I wonder. This time of the growing is the busiest, harden off, planting, irrigation, constantly checking the crops, bugs and what not. Hope you finish your stuff I bet it's gona look nicer when you get that sun shade up.

, Vegas
Vegas_Chili said:
Love those little lizards. There's lots in Mexico where I used to live. We call them "quiji".

I couldn't get in THP a few days ago, it said it was under maintenance. Hmmmm I wonder. This time of the growing is the busiest, harden off, planting, irrigation, constantly checking the crops, bugs and what not. Hope you finish your stuff I bet it's gona look nicer when you get that sun shade up.

, Vegas
They started that update about 5pm central that day, I know it ran over an hour...
This week we've been busy watering and picking, doing some canning as well.
The Taters are done, the sweet onions need to be picked and the corns loaded with ears.
We're picking some Annuums here and there and the Chinense are flowering. Hopefully I'll get some pods before the heat won't allow fruit to set.
This is my first year growing Hot's, do they follow the same rules when it comes to temps versus setting?
I see I wasn't the only one having issues with THP.  I could read but could not post, but it worked from my phone.  Saw the rec to clear the cache under the support section and it worked.
Anyway, glad to hear things are coming along.  I have limited experience, but the supers seem to be more finicky about setting pods than the other chinenses.  And the annuums really don't seem to mind anything, at all.
Damn I went back over your glog and somehow I had missed a whole page. Love the corn man, wish I had room for it. We usually get a bunch from the local farmers market, blanch and freeze also. Everyone loves it. I want to get some popcorn and grow that atleast once. Growing up our neighbors had a huge field of it. My brother and I would raid it frequently LOL.
WalkGood said:
You better take notes, Scott has been known to throw pop quizzes and if you don't pass ... oh I hate to think of what might happen ;) :D
<---- grabs pen and paper, starts over at page 1. All set LOL what do i get if I ace the test?
been taking notes from alot of the posts here. I dont think I would have any peppers going in the ground if it wasnt for THP.
DocNrock said:
I see I wasn't the only one having issues with THP.  I could read but could not post, but it worked from my phone.  Saw the rec to clear the cache under the support section and it worked.
Anyway, glad to hear things are coming along.  I have limited experience, but the supers seem to be more finicky about setting pods than the other chinenses.  And the annuums really don't seem to mind anything, at all.
Yeah, I'm getting worried it's 96 now and will go higher, went to 99 yesterday. I hope I don't have to wait until fall, if so my fault, started them too late. But that's how we learn..and you're right the Annuums just go.
Jamison said:
Holy smokes man. Your garden is in full swing! My corn JUST popped and your is already pollinating! WOW! Beautiful land down there! Looks peaceful. I'm start calling you Dr. Greenthumb!
Thanks! It's coming along, now it's starting to get hot..normal. But remember, I planted corn and Maters the first weekend of March. I'm in week 11, I push the last frost date by 2 weeks, if it threatens I can turn on those wobblers. Here it's get em in and going before the heat sets in.
koskorgul said:
Damn I went back over your glog and somehow I had missed a whole page. Love the corn man, wish I had room for it. We usually get a bunch from the local farmers market, blanch and freeze also. Everyone loves it. I want to get some popcorn and grow that atleast once. Growing up our neighbors had a huge field of it. My brother and I would raid it frequently LOL.
The corn takes a lot of space, but we love the fresh picked stuff. Just can't beat it.
WalkGood said:
You better take notes, Scott has been known to throw pop quizzes and if you don't pass ... oh I hate to think of what might happen ;) :D
LOL, OK what's Frankenstein's job?
koskorgul said:
<---- grabs pen and paper, starts over at page 1. All set LOL what do i get if I ace the test?
been taking notes from alot of the posts here. I dont think I would have any peppers going in the ground if it wasnt for THP.
Might be this fall...but some powder and pods if all goes well. I'm worried about vacation time, I'm inviting my son and his family to garden watch. They get to use the pool, which is probably the only reason they come..LOL. Have to make sure we eat all the ribeyes first..
I have quite a copy-paste file going on of notes taken. Ya can't beat the help and info offered here!
OK a little update time:
As mentioned it's getting hot, hot as heck.
I put up the sun shade last weekend, glad I did! The forecast was highs of 82 all week, well hellloooo weather dudes, its mid to high 90's.

If you haven't figured it out yet this is my favorite plant. It's trying real hard to produce, but the flowers just fall off.
Carolina Reaper

It's got plenty of branches and the stem is getting thick, now if it would set just a few pods. I'm hoping for some gnarly, bumpy ones.

Top shot. I don't see any more mite damage...yeah!

The Red Caribbean and Orange Habs still show some damage but the new growth looks better.

Got a small harvest, Bell, Poblano's, and Cayenne's

Little guys..

Non's: The Maters look like heck with the heat and all the wind damage, so no ugly picks :rolleyes:
Eye level shot of the corn

Here's Otis, AKA Odie-dodie, or sometimes Chomp :D

Yall have a great weekend and thanks for the visits and comments!
Scott, love the updated pics mon, great go on the shade cloth … heck I can see some of my plants needing one. We’ve been in the mid 80s to low 90s and I’m having a lot of droopy leaves during the hottest part of the day. Fortunately I don’t have them taking a full day, by 3:00 PM they’re getting some shade. I wouldn’t worry about the Reaper, I’m sure that some flower buds will take soon and she'll end up producing enough pods to keep ya happy! I’ve noticed the same from my MoA’s dropping flowers that concerned me and after a few days of droppage ... bam they took. I now have several pods forming on each of the 3 plants, even one or two of the elusive 4 lobed bonnets ^_^ But only time will tell for sure on dat perfect shape.
Every ting is still looking great at the Devv Pepper & Veggie Estates and nice harvest mon … I’m sure you’ll soon be swimming in pods, have a great weekend mi Texan brethren … oh an Frankie, don’t he make crumbling bones for soil additives …  PS great pic of Otis \o/
DocNrock said:
Nice little harvest.  Reaper looks great.  The Carribean Red and Orange Hab are looking good, too.  And love the pic of "Chomp!"  :)
Thank you sir! Hoping for some pod setting before the heat, it's supposed to cool down (so they say) next week back into the 80's.

Otis is a great dog, he's a big baby but a great watch dog. My son lives in town and gave him to us because he was too protective of his kids, here it's perfect for him. A couple of years ago we went and floated the river, my son took him with us on a tube. He kept jumping in and pulling all 6 of us, he swam for a couple of hours, real strong guy he is...
And thanks for the powder! It came in yesterday. I know it's hot because the wife picked up the bag and later touched her face, she said "that's got to be hot because my face burs where I touched it!"
Can't wait to try it!

WalkGood said:
Scott, love the updated pics mon, great go on the shade cloth … heck I can see some of my plants needing one. We’ve been in the mid 80s to low 90s and I’m having a lot of droopy leaves during the hottest part of the day. Fortunately I don’t have them taking a full day, by 3:00 PM they’re getting some shade. I wouldn’t worry about the Reaper, I’m sure that some flower buds will take soon and she'll end up producing enough pods to keep ya happy! I’ve noticed the same from my MoA’s dropping flowers that concerned me and after a few days of droppage ... bam they took. I now have several pods forming on each of the 3 plants, even one or two of the elusive 4 lobed bonnets ^_^ But only time will tell for sure on dat perfect shape.
Every ting is still looking great at the Devv Pepper & Veggie Estates and nice harvest mon … I’m sure you’ll soon be swimming in pods, have a great weekend mi Texan brethren … oh an Frankie, don’t he make crumbling bones for soil additives …  PS great pic of Otis \o/
The shade cloth wasn't a bad price, I didn't go crazy, you can spend 5 or 6 times more than I did for a professional grade. It definitely helps when the late May-August weather come around. This one is 30%.
I'm thinking the Reaper is old enough to start setting, well all the Chinense are, but it's ahead some. My fingers are crossed!
Congrats on the Bonnets podding. And you win the bonus prize for the quiz!
Here's the girls, just getting their first true leaves. I've had them outside since they popped, but in indirect sun:

Sanarda said:
Pods are coming real soon.
I'm hoping!
LB and I just spent the last three hours in the garden, she was picking and weeding. I mixed up 32 gals of Hasta Gro and Calmag for the Maties. And watered everything. Beans and Taters are done, a few more weeks and just the peppers will be left.
While watering the corn all I heard was buzzing, the bees are in good supply around here. Maybe cuz I always have food and water for them.

Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!