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  1. nubster

    My plants are growing so fast

    That how mine were. They were small forever it seemed...I started wondering if they were going to do anything. Them all the sudden...BOOM! They just took off.    This was end of June...     This was a few days in a month they exploded in growth...  
  2. nubster

    pics Pepper ID, pest ID, pruning question, and leaf issue inside, with pics.

    I tried to find it again to remove...must have known something was up and took off for now. He'll be back I'm sure.
  3. nubster

    pics Pepper ID, pest ID, pruning question, and leaf issue inside, with pics.

    Figured I'd make one post to ask several questions so here goes.....   Can anyone ID this pepper? Still green but the shape should help. I planted it as a chocolate hab but it definitely doesn't look like a hab. All the peppers on this plant look like this, not just one.             Pest...
  4. nubster

    wanted WTB...Black Pearl and/or Pequin seeds.

    I'd like to grow a couple of these next year or even start them this year and over winter. 
  5. nubster

    Pot Size Question

    What's the best way to promote root growth? I just pulled a reaper from a 3g pot and replanted into a 5 gallon bucket hydro-grow setup and the root ball wasn't really that impressive and had plenty of room to grow in the 3g pot. The plant is perfectly healthy and probably 24" not a...
  6. nubster

    Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...

    Few update pics....         And here's a mystery (to me) pepper. I planted and labeled it as a chocolate hab but it's obviously not looking like a hab at this point. I know it's probably too early to tell but any idea? It's the only plant that I have with peppers like this....    
  7. nubster

    DIY Hydro Growbox Ghost Pepper Update (July 12)

    Where's the best place to order Masterblend if I can't find it locally, which I doubt I'll be able to? I've found one place online but shipping is as much as the fertilizer for a 5# bag. 
  8. nubster

    DIY Hydro Growbox Ghost Pepper Update (July 12)

    Depends on whether I can use what I have on hand which is:   Plantex CSM +B which is a mixture of micro nutrients including manesium, chelated copper, chelated iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, and boron.   Potassium Sulfate    Mono Potassium Phosphate   DTPA Iron   Potassium Nitrate  ...
  9. nubster

    DIY Hydro Growbox Ghost Pepper Update (July 12)

    I made a 5 gallon version. I don't have the nutrients yet and was too impatient to wait before planting. The potting soil I used has some fertilizer in it but I was wondering if there would be any harm in using something like Miracle grow until I was able to get some other nutrients?    Or...I...
  10. nubster

    Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...

    Decided to make a 5g bucket hydro-growbox. Moved one of my reapers into it this evening. It'll be interesting to see how it does compared to the other plants. I'm making a second one tomorrow and I'll be putting a scorpion in it. If they do well over the next couple months of growing season, I...
  11. nubster

    Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...

    They just needed watered. I watered them right after taking the pics and they perked right up. It could also be from some heat being reflected but like I said...some water and they were good to go. I may move them though just for a week or so and see what happens. They seem to be growing slower...
  12. nubster

    DIY Hydro Growbox Ghost Pepper Update (July 12)

    Making one or two of these this week. That's amazing. If I have plants that I've been growing in soil (pots), do you think it would be ok to plop them out of the pot and plant directly or should I clean the roots and plant them as bare roots into the new media?
  13. nubster

    Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...

    Just an update. All plants seem to be doing well. Some growing like weeds...some not so fast but looking healthy. I have been clipping leaves here and there....only on the plants that have a lot of undergrowth and only when the huge leaves start blocking out the sun to that undergrowth...
  14. nubster

    Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...

    It's attached to the shed wall into the studs. Not going anywhere. As far as the pots...not too difficult to change out when needed. That's what I had and they needed something larger asap since they were in really small pots prior to these. As far as the scorps getting tall, that's fine...
  15. nubster

    Nubster's 1st year of Super Hots...

    I've grown run of the mill habs before, japs on a yearly basis, even had a successful ghost pepper last year. This summer I am making a slightly more serious attempt at growing some super hots. Not having the room in a good growing spot...I decided to go a little more vertical since it was...
  16. nubster

    Topping makes me nervous....

    Oh and learn. I didn't kill them at least. They look great today when I checked on them. Guess we'll see what happens now.
  17. nubster

    Topping makes me nervous....

      Well...too late for that. I already chopped. Didn't top anything, just thinned out the leaves and exposed the small leaves that were being shaded by the older big leaves...some where not in great shape and needed removed anyways. I only did the largest (oldest) plants on the top row. The...
  18. nubster

    Topping makes me nervous....

    Well...deed is done. Figured this was a good time. I watered them earlier today with a little fertilizer and now that the sun is down, they won't get beat up by the heat right after going on the chopping block. I didn't top any of them...just thinned out the bigger leaves and I removed any...
  19. nubster

    Topping makes me nervous....

    I guess hacking up plants that you have lovingly nurchured over the months can be a little unsettling for a first timer...I guess I need help deciding if I should cut or not. I have a good 2.5 to 3 months of growing season left. Largest plants are about a foot tall. Smallest are just 3-4" tall...
  20. nubster

    Pepper rack complete...not much but I'm proud...

    I dont doubt that