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  1. Islander

    Scuba_Steve's First Year Glog

    Looks like your off to a good start! Everything looks great! Im assuming you are/were into reef keeping? Based on the led lights and arduino.... ;) I checked out your site.... Those (Untouchables) are pretty sick btw! I shut my system down about 1.5 years ago starting to get the fever again...
  2. Islander

    JoynersHotPepper 2015 Pepper Party

    Its amazing what you can cram in a small area! I think in a 4x8 area last year i had roughly 28 plants. But i will admit that the peruvian habs and the Thais were a beast to get to!
  3. Islander

    Nick's First Ever Glog

    What kind of soil / amendments did you use when you transplanted to the solo cups?
  4. Islander

    Nick's First Ever Glog

    They will stall out for a short period while building a strong root base, just be patient. If they start getting too "leggy" give them more light and maybe a little breeze from a fan. That will help them build a thicker trunk. Seems that your off to a good start!
  5. Islander

    Stupid question ...but?

    Personally out of the superhots i grew this year and smoked/dried/powdered i liked the flavor of the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion the best. However i didnt care too much for the flavor of the yellow bhut it was a little too bitter but definitely had some good heat.
  6. Islander

    seed-train Wicked Mike's Newbies Only Seed Train - ROUND TWO

    where abouts in Clarksville are you located Adam? I have about 15-20 varieties id like to do some trading. You Might have most of what i have already though with 250 :O
  7. Islander

    wanted Seed SASBE - 7 Varieties + Looking for a Few Varieties - CLOSED

    I have some YBJ seeds i would like to trade for some Jimmy Nardello.
  8. Islander

    Pinoy83's one last try!!!2015...Aquaponics(Golden Hawaiian Tilapias)

    Damn!! The Ahi Tower! I definitely tore up some Poke last week!! They dont have any Island food in the mainland, so when im back home I chow down! Lol
  9. Islander

    Pinoy83's one last try!!!2015...Aquaponics(Golden Hawaiian Tilapias)

    Looking good brah! Just got back to the mainland, ive been in Kona visiting my family. What about that crazy rain for 2 weeks?! All the vegetation got a good drink! Glad to see you back in action!
  10. Islander

    Mixed SFRB - Final of the season

    Can you make a box of these? Aji Pineapple Brazilian Starfish Red Rocoto(just a couple) Jimmy Nardello Bahamian Goat
  11. Islander

    Trick or Heat - Seeds + Dried - Closed

    What do you have to choose from?
  12. Islander

    sfrb Brazilian Starfish ~closed~

    Ok ill take it
  13. Islander

    sfrb Brazilian Starfish ~closed~

    How many pods approx?
  14. Islander

    What are some sweet good flavored hot peppers?

    Im just going to take a wild guess and assume thats why you are ajijoe... :D. Where can i find some of these?    Mystery wine.... :D sounds tasty! Where can i find it?
  15. Islander

    What are some sweet good flavored hot peppers?

    Looking for some recommendations on a handful of varieties that are sweet, good tasting, and have some decent heat maybe 100-500k SHU..... Thanks!
  16. Islander

    pests Aphid question

    I think i ended up spraying them every day or every other day for about a week. And it also rained quite a bit during that time so that helped washed the soap down which also helped wash the aphids off causing them to DRY and DIE! Man was i glad that small battle was over! Lol
  17. Islander

    Trinidad Scorpion Moruga ?!? bought on Ebay

    Make sure you leave that jerk lots of negative feedback so hopefully his score drops to protect future pepper heads!
  18. Islander

    pests Aphid question

    I used a spray bottle with some concentrated dawn and wiped them out in no time! Sprayed couple times a day.... Make sure to spray the undersides of the leaves good as they seem to like it under the leaves... The soap washes their wax coating off and they dry out.... You will find dead aphids...
  19. Islander

    PIC 1's...Pepper Graphic...2014

    Wow what an awesome backyard! Those plants and pods look awesome! I like how those plants build a mini jungle around your patio area!! What kind of dehydrator are you using? I saw a round plastic setup and a rectangular metal tray.