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  1. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    Sweet.  It was 47 degrees here last night.  47!  I've lived most of my life in New England and don't remember it that low in August.
  2. Pepperhead

    contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

    No pic, but  a measly 72 peppers wasn't going to win anyway. :(
  3. Pepperhead

    Sawyer's 2013 Glog - Last Harvest/First Sauce

    I have 2 Brain Strains and both seem to take forever to pod out.  One has about 8 pods on it now, but the other just buds like crazy.  Are yours that stubborn?
  4. Pepperhead

    pests When killing aphids with soap... Mixture...

    If you use dish soap use a mild no fragrance kind as harsher ones will burn your plant.  I have a mix I found online that had soap, water, garlic, isopropyl and called for cayenne, but i had a ghost lying around and used that instead.  I'll try to find the exact recipe and post it later.
  5. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    No pics today but with everything ripening I figure now is a good time to let whoever is reading know what I have for trading at the end of this season..  Some stuff may be more likely to have been accidentally crossed, but we can work those out at trading time.  I can say with high confidence...
  6. Pepperhead

    Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

      From all the evidence I've gathered via online sources (Youtube) it would seem that that is the type of humiliation best shared with thousands of online strangers.  :)
  7. Pepperhead

    After 2.5 hours of work ... Here they are !

    Nice loooking plants.  I have found that since the weather cooled off here slightly, everything seems to be ripening in overdrive.  I have a bhut plant that just really started setting pods two weeks ago or so and there is one already starting to turn.
  8. Pepperhead

    chinense My first ripe Carolina Reaper (ever)

    I used to live in Taylorsville, KY. Does that count? Nice stingery pod, by the way. I have those and habby reapers. I might grow them out next year and call them "super habs". :)
  9. Pepperhead

    plant ID Needed, labeled as Bhut on the plant but not Red

    My bhuts either went straight to red, or turned yellow. So far no yellow to red. Did you get yours from hippy seeds? They sent me a seed pack with both kinds.
  10. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    PM me. I'll take them.
  11. Pepperhead

    Bluboy's Glog from Egypt - My first time growing anything 8/8/2013

    Welcome to THP!  It must be crazy over there right now.   Ideally you would like a 3 to 5 gallon pot, like a drywall bucket if you can find them there.  I currently have a bhut growing and producing peppers in a half gallon pot and a Dorset in a (I think) 1.5 quart pot.  The plants won't get as...
  12. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    The last holdout finally has pods! Soon I'll have bubblegum pods to show off!
  13. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    Okay, so this guy was growing on my yellow bhut plant (it's 2 pictures):   So that's what I'm fussing about.  Kinda 7 Pot-ish, right?  Hopefully, it's offspring will develop similarly.   Also picked a few more:     Two orange habs and a raisin hab.  Actually it's a Primo, but the color was close.
  14. Pepperhead

    Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

    My Primos appear "boxier" than my true to form Reapers so far, but I'll have a better idea when everything is mature and ripe.
  15. Pepperhead

    A Pepperhead glog: Pickling, Saucing, and Powdering

    So I posted a harvest picture in the Pepper ID forum.  It was the first time I picked any of my Dorsets.  Upon looking at them while I was picking I couldn't help but notice that they were very Habby looking.They stayed orange when fully ripe and I just couldn't shake that "Dammit I mislabeled...
  16. Pepperhead

    7P Bubblegum

    7P Bubblegum
  17. Pepperhead

    Pop Quiz, Hot Shots...

    Wow.  I mixed up a lot of stuff this year.  Mistook ghosts for habs, now habs for Dorsets, and I had a complete mystery that looks like habs.  Gotta do better next year.
  18. Pepperhead

    Pop Quiz, Hot Shots...

      Definately not what I have.  Do they turn orange first or go straight red.
  19. Pepperhead

    Pop Quiz, Hot Shots...

    OK, here we go:   The top row we'll come back to.   second row, first 3 are yellow bhuts, whose seeds were in with my regular bhuts, which is the next pepper.  Do any bhuts go from yellow to red?  Next pepper is a nice big Carribean Red Hab.   Third row is a Jonah and last, the trick pepper, is...
  20. Pepperhead

    Summer Extreme Pruning

    I have a Reaper that dropped on the ground and dried up.  When I found it, I watered it and within days all of the leaves fell off.  It was about 2 or 3 inches tall at that time.  While it's still small compared to my others, it's a nice bushy little plant that you'd never expect was almost dead...