• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's Dirt Grow-Almost done..

Weekend March 2-3:
I’ve been working on the garden for years; it was dormant for a few years (like 10) while I changed careers. The base soil if you want to call it that is sand. I added heavy black dirt to the upper 2/3 years ago; I’ve since added heavy red dirt (clay ) to half of the lower 1/3. For two years straight I’ve added 4”s of compost to the upper 2/3 and this year 4”s to the bottom 1/3. I clean horse pens for the free manure; kitchen waste is added to the compost. Our property is on a slope and heavy rains cause erosion problems. Above the garden the land is heavily terraced to divert water runoff.
Finished concreting the base of the fence, used 22 80lb bags, the Waskily Wabbits should be done, until they find another way in. They have been a real menace! I tried a hot wire system, it was not too effective and killed birds and squirrels; I didn’t like that.


Planted the Onions January 15th, Garlic was planted September 15th. They took a beating with the 30mph winds, 55 mph gusts last Monday.


Tilled and my wife planted corn, cukes, watermelons, bush beans and cantelope.


Bush Beans above


Cukes, and Melons behind the Rosemary above.

Corn below.


I started these the first week of January; I think I got carried away.


The Potatoes, planted February 15th are coming up. I planted then 8”s deep and I keep covering them up, and will do so until the ground is level where planted.


Never ending mulch pile.


Hmmm.. too many images...
Devv said:
… I think your second MoA harvest was really good!
Just to clairify it was a lot more than 3 times the quantity VS first pull but the pods are much smaller this time. While I’m not sure, I think it’s the heat. I can't wait to see how these JA MoA girls preform in our early winter, dat should be interesting … thanks for da kudos mon!
Devv said:
… The two I transplanted were JA ladies, I'm anxious to see how they do versus the ones in the 5 gal pots. I'm thinking they're gonna run with all that new leg room!
All mine are in 15 gallon pots so I think they have a limited size but my college bud who grows in South Palm Beach county has one in ground that has gotten over 6 feet tall till yesterday where he cut it back to 5’ hoping it bushes out some. I also have a Jamaican brethren who grew some here in Lauderdale who got his over 8 feet, so da JA Habs can get big given the foot space dat in-ground offers.
Devv said:
… Thanks for the kudo's and stopping by. …
You deserve lots of kudos brethren ^_^
The mulch looks great, and it will keep the soil temps down for you. I'm happy to hear you get it for free. I pay for mine, and I would love to use fresh woodchips but that would mean renting a chipper which is $$$$. 
Those habs look crazy! 
I dream of temps like you get. I guess it is pick you poison though, because we get lots of rain all season long so high heat isn't a concern when we get it. 
Loving those grow bags man ...20Gallons will never work for me (I wish I could use them) for space reasons but I hope my grow bags looks as good as yours when all said and done!! 
WalkGood said:
Just to clairify it was a lot more than 3 times the quantity VS first pull but the pods are much smaller this time. While I’m not sure, I think it’s the heat. I can't wait to see how these JA MoA girls preform in our early winter, dat should be interesting … thanks for da kudos mon!
All mine are in 15 gallon pots so I think they have a limited size but my college bud who grows in South Palm Beach county has one in ground that has gotten over 6 feet tall till yesterday where he cut it back to 5’ hoping it bushes out some. I also have a Jamaican brethren who grew some here in Lauderdale who got his over 8 feet, so da JA Habs can get big given the foot space dat in-ground offers.
You deserve lots of kudos brethren ^_^
I would tend to agree with the heat causing smaller pods, I'm seeing the same thing, especially when they're loaded.
All those Ja's are slated for an OW project, they should really take off when they hit the dirt this spring!
Stefan_W said:
The mulch looks great, and it will keep the soil temps down for you. I'm happy to hear you get it for free. I pay for mine, and I would love to use fresh woodchips but that would mean renting a chipper which is $$$$. 
Those habs look crazy! 
I dream of temps like you get. I guess it is pick you poison though, because we get lots of rain all season long so high heat isn't a concern when we get it. 
The mulch had been available for years, I just have so much on my plate time wise...but gonna go after it versus buying!
I'm like what's with these Hab's? They're performing like Jal's and Cayenne's. Hoping for some production from the late planted supers this fall!
The temps are indeed a trade off, I just prefer to suffer during the 90-100 days of heat versus the stuck inside cold weather. I have lived in NY. and Va., did my share of snow shoveling and -15f mornings...Now rain would be a blessing!
I have an Oak tree that has to be 400+ years old dying from drought, no way to keep it watered :tear:
Peptacular said:
Wow man, I was floored by your woodwork, that stuff is professional grade. The garden looks just as pro! Nice work.
Thanks Tay!
The wife got me into wood working, then I became addicted, just not enough hours in a day to do everything I want. Dang job gets in my way! LOL I've been lucky in the garden this year, it's done me right so far :party:
Trippa said:
Loving those grow bags man ...20Gallons will never work for me (I wish I could use them) for space reasons but I hope my grow bags looks as good as yours when all said and done!! 
Thanks Trip!
I saw a few talking about them on PepperGuru's site and decided to give them a whirl, I recommend some clamps to lock down the gluing process...
Thanks for the positive words and have a great week!
Dang Scott!!!!  Wonderful things going on here.  I had to go all the way back to page 32 go  catch up.  Once you fall behind on here you forget who you have caught up on and who you havent.  Besides the two spidey pics, heeheeee, everything looks great.  plants have overtaken things and thats a wonderful thing.  Glad to see everything going well. OHHH and that kitchen is terrific.  Can you come to my house by any chance?????? :rofl:  :rofl: :rofl:  
Geez...dunno how I missed that woodworking post a while back...one of my hobbies too. I will see if I can dig up a pic or two. When I lived in Carrizo we had two huge Mesquite trees out front. Trunks over 4' in diameter both with nice long straight trunks...last time I drove back through there they had turned that place into a B & B and they cut down those two trees...cut it up into firewood and left the stumps and a couple large chunks as makeshift benches...I used to kiln dry my own lumber and I was sickened at the loss of all that potential. I still have a large stockpile at my folks place mostly white and red oak, with a little maple and poplar mixed in. My dad and I worked a deal with a local mill...we get 50% of rough cut with our choice on boards (didn't throw that choice in at first and got nothing but cut-aways in the first batch. Hmmm...you and I may be able to work something out when I retire! 
You've had an amazing season! Seems just like yesterday you were asking about how you were gonna grow in the south Texas heat! Looks like you figured it out! I am really digging the containers you put together too! I am getting good results from the reusable shopping bag, but it's starting to come apart in a few spots. Hope it holds together for the season...the plant is really doing well in it! 
Here is a shadow box I put together...




Sorry for the thread-jack! I haven't thought about woodworking in a long time! All your stuff looks fantastic...I really love that gun stock!!! I will be picking your brain on that one! 
Trippa said:
If you are looking for cred and you got major hiccups from half a kung pao I would suggest not eating a whole super pod .... ;) unless you want ted barrus type cred/pity :rofl: ;)
From all the evidence I've gathered via online sources (Youtube) it would seem that that is the type of humiliation best shared with thousands of online strangers.  :)
Sanarda said:
Dang Scott!!!!  Wonderful things going on here.  I had to go all the way back to page 32 go  catch up.  Once you fall behind on here you forget who you have caught up on and who you havent.  Besides the two spidey pics, heeheeee, everything looks great.  plants have overtaken things and thats a wonderful thing.  Glad to see everything going well. OHHH and that kitchen is terrific.  Can you come to my house by any chance?????? :rofl:  :rofl: :rofl:  
Thanks Pia!
I admit it's hard to keep up, sorry for the spidey pics ;)  They're the harmless ones that eat the bad guys!
Thanks again for the kitchen kudo's, that's years of off and on work, LB is one patient girl!....but she got what she wanted! One of these days, like in 5 years when I retire this will be a beer $$$ sideline!
stc3248 said:
Geez...dunno how I missed that woodworking post a while back...one of my hobbies too. I will see if I can dig up a pic or two. When I lived in Carrizo we had two huge Mesquite trees out front. Trunks over 4' in diameter both with nice long straight trunks...last time I drove back through there they had turned that place into a B & B and they cut down those two trees...cut it up into firewood and left the stumps and a couple large chunks as makeshift benches...I used to kiln dry my own lumber and I was sickened at the loss of all that potential. I still have a large stockpile at my folks place mostly white and red oak, with a little maple and poplar mixed in. My dad and I worked a deal with a local mill...we get 50% of rough cut with our choice on boards (didn't throw that choice in at first and got nothing but cut-aways in the first batch. Hmmm...you and I may be able to work something out when I retire! 
You've had an amazing season! Seems just like yesterday you were asking about how you were gonna grow in the south Texas heat! Looks like you figured it out! I am really digging the containers you put together too! I am getting good results from the reusable shopping bag, but it's starting to come apart in a few spots. Hope it holds together for the season...the plant is really doing well in it! 
Here is a shadow box I put together...




Sorry for the thread-jack! I haven't thought about woodworking in a long time! All your stuff looks fantastic...I really love that gun stock!!! I will be picking your brain on that one! 
Thanks Shane!
I learned woodworking from reading magazines, and doing the measure twice cut once rule. The wife gets mad when I say we could never afford the furniture I made, we could, but would be paying on it forever. AND she added (while looking over my shoulder) "you won't buy that stuff they sell". This is true, I wanted real wood throughout, dovetail joinery etc.. guess I have expensive tastes...We priced a Mesquite bed $4,000.00 and it and many others did not fit into the "fine furniture" class. The kitchen alone I would estimate at 40k plus, I would have to look for a before pic...for one to see the difference..LOL
Nice job on the shadow box! My very first attempt was a blanket chest made from red oak, then an end table, bed and chest of drawers, all red oak. After that I just started winging it with the Mesquite making extra thick heavy pieces.
You mentioned those two beautiful Mesquite trees, I had one we just had to take down, it littered the pool on a daily basis. Straight for 15' and 26"s across, my first Mesquite board tree, after that I was hooked. That tree still lives in our home..
Thanks for the garden kudo's, I'm still hoping on the supers to produce like the Funky Reaper come Sept. Next year I start the seeds in November versus mid Feb. hoping that solves the Chinense production issues for the supers.
Those bags are certainly worth a try for the cost! I went big because of the way the dirt grown plants have done compared to my container grow. They're easy to make, used liquid nails to glue the sides, found the info on Guru's Glog. Now the challenge is how to move them if it wants to freeze! Maybe tractor them to the door and modify a hand truck. Not gonna do in my back again...5 times would not be a good thing...
Pepperhead said:
From all the evidence I've gathered via online sources (Youtube) it would seem that that is the type of humiliation best shared with thousands of online strangers.  :)
 LOL, not sharing that part of me! Although when I ate a slice of a Reaper my wife kept saying "I should be filming this, you have the same expression as the guys on the videos"....uh yeah..it's called pain...LOL
Sanarda said:
Beer money sidelines are a necessity of life and you have a good hustle my good man.  Should keep you stocked in kegs for many years to come. :cheers:  :beer:  :drunk:
Thanks Pia!
Stocked kegs would be cool!
Stefan_W said:
You are totally right Scott, the best approach is to use good materials and make it to last forever. 
Thanks Stefan!
That was my goal I know for a fact all of the pieces will last as long as anyone wants to use them, hoping they stay in the family...
I had a small pull yesterday, I brought most into work and handed them out. I know come next month the plants will go nuts as it cools down, I will do my best to only plant two of each type next year!



Any ideas on storing bell's and poblano's?
We made it through hump day, it's all downhill form here!
Your harvest photos are always a painters palette worth of colors !
Woodworking is hip.....I always wanted a woodshop, .......but what I wanted was never in the budget. So I have to settle with using a shop that belongs to a good friend of mine...........I also get some free instruction when I'm there....whether I need it or...usually not... ;)
We had quite a bit of furniture (Cherry) made in an Amish town in Indiana. Great workmanship............and they do have electric.......I checked..... :D 
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Bodeen said:
I chop my bells and freeze some for cooking with stuff.  Otherwise I eat as much fresh as I can when I can.
Poblano I have only ever dried.
Thanks for the response!
We've been drying the pobs, and the Bells, along with pobs using in stuffed peppers which we freeze. I guess we need more freezer space!
PIC 1 said:
Your harvest photos are always a painters palette worth of colors !
Woodworking is hip.....I always wanted a woodshop, .......but what I wanted was never in the budget. So I have to settle with using a shop that belongs to a good friend of mine...........I also get some free instruction when I'm there....whether I need it or...usually not... ;)
We had quite a bit of furniture (Cherry) made in an Amish town in Indiana. Great workmanship............and they do have electric.......I checked..... :D 
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Thanks Greg!
Things are at their slowest right now, but it's already cooling, that if 3 degrees is called cooling...LOL
My shop which was originally to be outfitted with a car lift, so I didn't have to lie on the driveway to work, turned into a wood shop. Yeah I still change my own oil, brakes, you name it, saves us a ton of $$. After close to 25 years as a mechanic, might as well use the experience. The wood working tools ran about 6-7K and have payed for themselves. LB wanted to buy me the tools to do her kitchen...tools? I said OK...Tim the toolman don't have squat on Scott's tools...LOL But I'm no rich boy, just an ex blue collar grunt who's been collecting for close to 40 years...
And your buddy always wanting to help? As you know anyone who has the knowledge wants to share...especially when you're on his goodies ;)
I can't speak to storing bells. Poblanos are great if you powder them. Good choice with those, poblanos were my favourite of the non-hot varieties I grew a couple of years back. Their growing season is a bit long for me though, which is the only reason I'm not still growing them. 
Another wornderful pull brethren, I love da colors!
"Any ideas on storing bell's and poblano's?" Sure send all the one's you can't eat to WalkGood, lolz
I say do a little dehydrating and test mixing some green bell & Jalapeño powder, garlic powder, onion powder and sea salt. I've done a red before and it came out nice and have had the idea for the green on the back burner till I get another good Jal pull. Let me know if you steal use my idea, lol.
Have a great Friday tomorrow brethren!
Nice to see that everything is starting to produce. I visit a local nursery where a guy has 2 monster bhut plants and a while back he was kinda bummed about not having any flowers. I visited that dude like a couple of weeks ago, and both his plants are loading up on flowers. He doesn't eat supers, he simply said, " No! I don't even touch them!" Lol. He told me that once he starts to get pods he'll give me whatever is on the plant. I hope it loads up nice.

Hope you keep harvesting this much. Looks like you'll be making sauces and powder soon. Take care.

, Walter
One way to preserve ripe Bell peppers is to make Ajvar... an eastern European condiment that comes out like a slightly thick but spreadable tomato sauce. You can just make it sweet, or spice it up with chiles as much as you like. You can add roasted Eggplant pulp to make it go further too. DocNrock did a pretty good pictorial last Autumn. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/36298-ajvar/
I love it as a dip or sandwich spread, and it makes an incredible pizza sauce instead of the traditional one made with Tomatoes.
Stefan_W said:
I can't speak to storing bells. Poblanos are great if you powder them. Good choice with those, poblanos were my favourite of the non-hot varieties I grew a couple of years back. Their growing season is a bit long for me though, which is the only reason I'm not still growing them. 
I love the pobs! Just a great pepper to cook with, and yes they start off slow. I have a bunch dried and have been giving them away because we just have too many. I have 8 or more plants way too many!
WalkGood said:
Another wornderful pull brethren, I love da colors!
"Any ideas on storing bell's and poblano's?" Sure send all the one's you can't eat to WalkGood, lolz
I say do a little dehydrating and test mixing some green bell & Jalapeño powder, garlic powder, onion powder and sea salt. I've done a red before and it came out nice and have had the idea for the green on the back burner till I get another good Jal pull. Let me know if you steal use my idea, lol.
Have a great Friday tomorrow brethren!
Thanks Ramon!
I may take you up on that!
I'll have to try out the salt idea, sounds good!
Have great weekend!
Vegas_Chili said:
Nice to see that everything is starting to produce. I visit a local nursery where a guy has 2 monster bhut plants and a while back he was kinda bummed about not having any flowers. I visited that dude like a couple of weeks ago, and both his plants are loading up on flowers. He doesn't eat supers, he simply said, " No! I don't even touch them!" Lol. He told me that once he starts to get pods he'll give me whatever is on the plant. I hope it loads up nice.

Hope you keep harvesting this much. Looks like you'll be making sauces and powder soon. Take care.

, Walter
Hi Walter!
I hope he gets a bumper crop and shares!
Thanks for the good vibes!
stickman said:
One way to preserve ripe Bell peppers is to make Ajvar... an eastern European condiment that comes out like a slightly thick but spreadable tomato sauce. You can just make it sweet, or spice it up with chiles as much as you like. You can add roasted Eggplant pulp to make it go further too. DocNrock did a pretty good pictorial last Autumn. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/36298-ajvar/
I love it as a dip or sandwich spread, and it makes an incredible pizza sauce instead of the traditional one made with Tomatoes.
Thanks Rick!
You're full of these fantastic ideas and recipes...gonna have to try it out!
Have a great weekend!