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  1. Tick

    Do ants eat pollen?

    You're welcome Mike!  Hopefully they'll behave themselves and maybe even eat some bad bugs.
  2. Tick

    Do ants eat pollen?

    Yes you'll see lots of aphids and ants sometimes carrying them around.  The ants will be tending the aphids as they feed on the plants and eating honeydew (waste) from the aphids' behinds. I used to watch a colony of little reddish ants farming aphids on thistle plants in my driveway when I was...
  3. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    More ripening cayenne x goat's weed F1 - going from sort of chocolate to reddish-orange (during the winter they simply went green to red):     Wild Brazil sprout, thankfully no seed cap stuck on this time:     Here comes a nice thunderstorm - bye!   Tick
  4. Tick

    Do ants eat pollen?

    Hi SaintSteven,   I have several ant colonies that are nesting near, under or in my pots.  Typical little brown ants and also black carpenters.  They don't seem to be aphid farming  (though I've had that happen in the past).  They both (especially the carpenters)  are often crawling among the...
  5. Tick

    Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

    Hi Stickman,   Nice plants!  Really like the doughlah and criolla sella.  That cheiro recife is absolutely loaded with pods and that one Butch T pod looks huge!    - Tick
  6. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Hi Stickman,   Thanks for writing!  While lurking,  I had checked out you glog before.  I was impressed that a fellow MA pepper grower already had so many ripe pods!  You have lots of interesting annuums and your superhots are looking nice and so far along as well!    As for my wilds, I had a...
  7. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Hello again!   Finally a new heat wave broke today after 7 or 8 days!  The peppers did well and the tepins and Bradley's Bahamian set pods happily despite the high night temps.  I think the aji dulce crosses set a decent amount as well though I'm not convinced they're selfing or making good...
  8. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Here's the rest:   From clockwise bottom left are CAP 691, malagueta and Bradley's Bahamian:     The frutescens are finally flowering and setting fruit (at least the Bradley's):     The Bahamian’s flowers are smaller than last year’s Tabasco.  I tried crossing it with CAP 691, nothing yet.  ...
  9. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Hi all,   Well, the weather was really warm and wet and then there was a heat wave.  It was good because the plants took off and managed to set pods, bad because it's been buggy (leaf-eating beetles, mostly Anomala orientalis, I think) and because I had the flu and no AC.   I'm better and it was...
  10. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Thanks Mike,   Nice plants/pictures in your glog as well!  I almost got Quintishos at one point, but read they can be tricky to grow.  Yours look great and I see you like them - guessing they are easy for you?  How do they taste?  I ended up getingt bodes instead, but I've never gotten them to...
  11. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Thank you WalkGood!  Hopefully it will be a good summer and I'll get that bumper crop from my overwinters and maybe a few bhuts as well.  I hope that my seedlings will get far as well.   Wish I had a longer growing season like you do in Florida;  I miss the year-round growing I had in PR.  Just...
  12. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Here's a quick update:   It's finally hot so the plants are taking off (well most are) and pods are setting.  The datil seedling took forever to get its first true leaves but it’s now happening.  A monster naga seedling has joined it and an F2 cayenne x goat's weed is also growing.  My 1st batch...
  13. Tick

    Moruga or brain. and a mystery...

    I think the second one looks like a shishito.
  14. Tick

    overwintering Too late for over wintering

    I sowed malagueta, tepins and Bradley's Bahamian seeds on July 20th of last year and they are all doing fine.  I started CAP 691 plants on August 7th.  Despite being tiny, they survived the winter.   I had a superhot started at the same time almost make it as well if not for aphids and my...
  15. Tick

    What hybrids do you intend to try and create this season?

    I have some (F1 Cayenne x goat's weed) x Chiltepin Sonoran Orange pods that seem to be setting.  Would like to get some very hot, tough for overwintering and attractive annuums from these.  The F1 Cayenne x goat's weed plants inherited the goat's weed heat and, unfortunately, lack of flavor...
  16. Tick

    Aji rojo ID, odd Naga leaves

    Hi Chaotianjiao,   Just saw your question now.  As you can see above, the flower had no yellow in it, unlike a baccatum.  As a side note, the anthers were very short and stout.  But the plant itself looked much different from all my other chinenses -  even I though can see differences in...
  17. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Hi all,   So I visited PR for a week plus just after repotting almost all my plants.  I knew that, for the first few days after I left, MA would be in the 90’s. (It was actually cooler in PR!).  Other than that, I wasn’t too concerned about losing my established plants since it had been rainy...
  18. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Some pictures from today -   Here's my new Bhut; potted up yesterday.  It's my only superhot at the moment:       Here's the tiny CAP 691 with some buds:       Here's the still a bit yellow malagueta:  
  19. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    It's great that you came across that scene and got that picture!  I do a bit of nature photography as another hobby.  I enjoyed getting pics of my peppers with tropical bugs and reptiles as extras while living in PR.  Was lucky that there were so many baby anoles around that took up residence on...
  20. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Most of my overwinters have been repotted starting late last week and are now staying outside.  They are appreciating it, especially the tepins (Chiltepin Sonoran Orange: "CSOs"), Bradley's Bahamians and the CAP 691s.  The healthier of the two 691s is taking off; it's pretty tough for such a...