• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Trippa said:
nice little haul Rick ... where are the Ochsenhorn from?

Genetic background I mean??
Hi Trippa,
   It's an Austrian pepper I got from a seed bank there called Arche Noah (Noah's Ark) with help from THP member Ausmith. It's a short-season sweet variety that comes from the foothills of the Alps. It has medium-thick flesh and a nice, sweet taste. The skin is thick enough that it would benefit from roasting and peeling, but not so thick that you wouldn't use it fresh in Pico de Gallo salsa and salads. It doesn't get the size of say, a Marconi Rosso pepper, but it starts to ripen weeks ahead. I love sweet peppers, so I can see myself planting a couple of these every year to be the source of my first ripe peppers while the workhorses are still ripening up.
   I let the first 2 pods pulled from the Peruvian Purple get over-ripe, and now I'm drying the seeds on my kitchen windowsill for anyone who wants them. Cheers!
Great pull Rick ... I'm looking forward to reading about your taste impressions on your Serrano Tampiqueno. I have a Serrano now and love the taste but not sure I will keep her in my grow because small plant and pods. I'll probably let her try on new shoes and if she doesn't jump up, I know a few peeps that would love to take her in ^_^
Off to work now ... so have a great week
Trippa said:
Cheers Rick!!
There are some great varieties out there ... I just lack the space to grow them ... need to invest in 100 acres and just crop the lot I think!! ;) :D  Thanks for the info.  Everyday I come on to THP and see yet another undiscovered variety that I want to grow .... :D
I hear ya bro'... If I had a patch large enough, I'd be growing more at a time than I am...
WalkGood said:
Great pull Rick ... I'm looking forward to reading about your taste impressions on your Serrano Tampiqueno. I have a Serrano now and love the taste but not sure I will keep her in my grow because small plant and pods. I'll probably let her try on new shoes and if she doesn't jump up, I know a few peeps that would love to take her in ^_^
Off to work now ... so have a great week
Sure Ramon...  I'll have to focus on the Serrano Tampiqueno later today or tomorrow for you. First impression is size... not as big as the plain Serrano plants I grew last year, and not as many pods... but the pods are easily twice the size. Nice and plump. More later.
got to come home between clients and found a letter from Devv with some reaper seeds inside... Thanks for making it harder to plan for next year's grow Scott! ;)    Actually, I appreciate it. If it's as hot as advertised, it should kick my powders up a few notches.
Hi All,
   We got a good soak of rain last night, and I expect another growth spurt in the next few days. What's here though is looking good.
Yellow 7 in the Airpot


Criolla Sella in the Airpot

Yellow Bhut

Cheiro Recife

Scotch Bonnet

Butch T



In-ground Yellow 7 getting gnarly

I'll post more pics for a bump or after lunch... whichever comes first... cheers!
poypoyking said:
Bump!  Look at all those pods.  The Douglah and the Yellow 7 are looking fantastic.
Thanks Ben!
Maya Red in an air-pruning "Dirt Pot"

Magnum Orange Hab


Gochus starting to come in in bigger numbers

Marconi Rosso starting to ripen up

And the Kapia peppers

And the Hungarian Tomato peppers


Krimzon Lee paprikas

and a non pic... Thai Eggplant, about egg-sized. These are gonna be great in vegetable curries when I get a few more coming in.

Have a great day all!

georgej said:
looking beautiful especially with the rain drops on them!
FreeportBum said:
Some really evil looking pods rick!  Makes me hungry  :onfire:
romy6 said:
 Wow Rickster your plants are loaded down with pods. I cannot wait to see what amazing dishes,sauces, and powders you come up with come fall!!!!!!!!!!!!! What am I saying starting now  :fireball:  :fireball:  :fireball:
Thanks guys... Ripe pods can't come soon enough! Jamie, I'm looking forward to showing some vegetable curries when the garden begins to kick out enough produce to make them. They're lighter than the ones using meat, and just the thing for the dog days of August.
Your plants are real pricewinners :dance: . My favorite of the day is Cheiro Recife, never heard of it, but it looks kinda cute :P
edit; never thought I'd say this but; I want rain too, and I hate rain
Hi Stickman,
Nice plants!  Really like the doughlah and criolla sella.  That cheiro recife is absolutely loaded with pods and that one Butch T pod looks huge! 
- Tick
Scarecrw said:
Nice pods brother. Looks like I need to invest in some air pots for next year. Last nights rain did all our gardens a world of good.
Thanks Jeff!
After a 10-day heat wave, the rain was awfully nice... I just wish it could have happened during the day so I could have enjoyed it more. As it was, it was a soft rain that lasted all night, and that ain't too shabby!
Airpots are just one option... I went with them because I like the durability angle. They're made from recycled milk jug plastic and should last you a lifetime with proper care. Fabric root pouches work the same and are probably more affordable. The stitching on them is probably their weak point. The seams are only as good as the thread used to make them. It may also be a little harder to get the root ball out of them when up-potting, but proper care takes care of that. PaulG came up with a good way to do it in his glog this year.
wahlee76 said:
Your plants are real pricewinners :dance: . My favorite of the day is Cheiro Recife, never heard of it, but it looks kinda cute :P
edit; never thought I'd say this but; I want rain too, and I hate rain
Thanks Wally!
I've never grown the Cheiro Recife before either... looking forward to sampling one when they ripen up. As small as they are it shouldn't be too long. I got kind of impatient and pulled one last week even though it was unripe, and cut it in half to get a sense of the taste and smell. When they're ripe I think they're gonna have an intense Chinense aroma and a pretty good amount of heat... I'm hoping at least as much as a Habanero. The pods are small, +/- a centimeter across, but that doesn't mean they'll be wimps... White Jellybean Habs have a burn all out of proportion with their size, and I think these might shape up like that.
Tick said:
Hi Stickman,
Nice plants!  Really like the doughlah and criolla sella.  That cheiro recife is absolutely loaded with pods and that one Butch T pod looks huge! 
- Tick
Hi Tick... thanks for the good vibe, and welcome to the zoo!
Trippa said:
Awesome!! You are going to be a happy man at harvest this year Rick!! How many days realistically do you have left in the season before you get the cold weather again??
Hi Trippa,
   I think we can reasonably expect another 11 weeks, and if the weather co-operates, it could stretch to 14 weeks before frost. We've only got about another 6 weeks of hot weather though. Things usually start to cool down about the first weekend in September.
PaulG said:
You're just cruisin', my friend, nice teaser harvest!!
The Omnicolor pod looks large!
Thank you my friend, we aim to please!
Devv said:
Wow Rick!
Glad to see all of that color AND poddage!
The pulls are starting!
Oh yeah! But this is all sideshow stuff working up to the main event. What I'm really looking forward to is the Kapias/Marconis, Yellow 7s, Douglahs, Bonnets, Bhuts and Butch T.!
GA Growhead said:
Loaded Plants! :party:
Thanks Jay!