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  1. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Thanks and I hope so Prehensile. I want to see some huge plants like I had in the tropics. Also, nice profile picture; your frog and snake beat out my lizard!
  2. Tick

    Pete Maws' 2013 Glog

    Hi, My 2013 growing season is starting off on shaky ground, but hopefully the New England weather will warm up so I can get some huge plants from my overwintered survivors, select some nice F2 hybrids in my breeding attempts, and make more interesting crosses. Holding me back for the time...
  3. Tick

    Pete Maws Glog

    During the last few months, I've been moving plants indoors and out, and into what limited sun I've had (my house is on the shady side of the street). Also, there was another animal attack a few weeks ago, even though the plants were on a table. Most pots were dug into and my favorite tepin...
  4. Tick

    Pete Maws Glog

    Progress despite seedling massacre! So I was getting the hang of growing peppers in the tropics, mostly had success at battling broad mites and had a great crop almost ready when I had to leave. I restarted in Boston in the middle of this summer with a bunch of seeds that I hope to...
  5. Tick

    Pete Maws Glog

    New beginnings: Tricot Sonoran Tepin: Malaguetas: Cayenne x goat's weed: Aji dulce x annuum (I hope):
  6. Tick

    seeds which of your peppers had the Fastest/slowest germination rates?

    I agree on goat's weed being fast. Malagueta so far seems to be fast as well (6-7 days). My Sonoran Tepins were 5/5 up between 8-11 days as well, which I didn't expect.
  7. Tick

    Pete Maws Glog

    Hi all, Thanks for the compliments! Sorry about writing back so late, but unfortunately I had to leave just as most of plants were finally ripening (including some of my most anticipated crossed pods). As far as I know, at least some of the plants are still alive and at least the Beni...
  8. Tick

    Pete Maws Glog

    Hi all, I'm from New England but spending time in Puerto Rico - hopefully a few more months so I can finally get some ok harvests. Been a decent gardener back home but not particularly with peppers. Thought I'd take advantage of the endless growing season and try growing a lot of pepper...
  9. Tick

    What in the World?!?!

    I hope not, but I think it's a pepper with a really bad broad mite infestation. They can really deform a young plant.
  10. Tick

    Aji rojo ID, odd Naga leaves

    Thanks for the flower ID! To clarify, the flower actually was on the plant on the right in the picture beneath it. So it looks like a chinense flower on a baccatum-type plant. I just checked and that plant also has 2 buds per node, but is so different in both leaf and plant form from my other...
  11. Tick

    Aji rojo ID, odd Naga leaves

    I'm spending time in Puerto Rico and trying to take advantage of the climate to grow a bunch of peppers. However, I've been dealing with broad mite attacks (got good advice from gasificada on this website) and a huge ant colony not only living on my roof and in my car, but also farming aphids...
  12. Tick

    Help growing peppers in PR - mites?

    Here are some more pics showing the recovered peppers and more of what I'm growing. I have been using the sulfur/pyrethrin spray fairly often and am trying to prevent contact between different groups of my plants. Always on the eye for broad mite damage and have gotten a little paranoid when I...
  13. Tick

    Help growing peppers in PR - mites?

    Thanks again and not to worry as I knew to be gentle with the plants after spraying. Have already hit some plants with the spray twice and some more neem (which actually seems to hurt the plants more than the sulfur/pyrethrin stuff). Trimmed back the plants and new shoots are coming out even...
  14. Tick

    Help growing peppers in PR - mites?

    Thank you all for looking at the bugs and thank you gasificada for your recommendations. I bought a sulfur/pyrethrin spray (only one I could find) and hit the peppers with it last night. Also separated the worst affected plants from the others. Will spray them all with neem in a few days. As...
  15. Tick

    Help growing peppers in PR - mites?

    Hi all, I'm from New England but spending a year in Puerto Rico. I like spicy food, gardening and biology so I'm trying to take advantage of the climate to grow peppers. I have one or more varieties of each of the 5 major species. I consider myself a decent gardener up North, though I've had...