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  1. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    They were fertilser granules, which I sprinkled over, then watered. I can only think this was the cause? When I fertilised they looked poor so not sure if this tripped it over the edge or helped? Many Thanks
  2. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    latest update, the chilli's look to be in a sorry state. They look like that are close to being perished :( They all weathered, not sure if it was lack of water or too much. I did fertilise so not sure if that is the case also?
  3. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    Maybe inside growin gisnt for me. Maybe I should just wait till spring. And stick em out. Erm, well its not the cost of electricity, its just common sense really. I like the idea of growing chilli's and eating my home grown, but if it cost beyond the earth to get there it feel illogical to...
  4. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    Just a quick update. The seedling dont look to well, fertilised them, and watered them but looks like they are going yellow ish. Some have shriveled leaves. Some have droped there baby leaves. I have now placed them in the window, in the hope that the light will help, until I get my daylight...
  5. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    Yeah maybe, but 30w over 400w is a large difference in electricity costs (here in the UK that is expensive). The bulb cost me £6 so is about $10. The 30w is equivelant to 225w I beleive. I had a choice to go for a 45w CFL, however both are 6400k, so am hoping the 30w is sufficient? Worse...
  6. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    i did a test yesterday, and placed the temp sensor at the top of the box, and I was getting 25'c. with the bottom of the box around 19-20'c. :shocked: Ventilation/Fan would deffo help here I guess. Even with insulation, I think it would be a good way to retain some more heat, seeing we are...
  7. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    Many Thanks buddy. Well, I was gonna go for CFL as they will be going in a smallish grow box (, and wanna keep cost low as well as running costs. Dont wanna get a heavy light, however to start off with 6400k and 2700k later on sounds fine by...
  8. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    I managed to get some Berry Fertiliser as well as Tomatoe fert. Seems the Tom is slightly stronger. Anyhow, I sprinkled some fert on today, will monitor for the next couple of days. I also not sure if 20w CFL will do the job, but have seen some 30w 6400k Daylight Bulbs on the bay. Tempted to...
  9. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    I havent yet, and did wonder this. However I picked up from somewhere that I wouldnt need to fertilise till there final pots? I have bought some fert so can do so, however, I plan to upgrade lights. And already got some myler. I hope that has a desired effect. Would a BLUE LED setup be...
  10. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    Also watered with Yorkshire tap water
  11. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    i See, the soil I have is multipurpose compost, mixed in with perlite and verm. 5-1-1 mixish. They are in biodegradable 6cm ish peat pots. lights are on 14-15hrs a day
  12. G

    seeds Stunted seedling Growth

    I haven’t had much growth with my seedlings if very very slow if at all, they are nearly a month old and the leaves are still tiny and still got 2 baby leaves only. I try not to over water, and I am using a 20watt CFL in a grow box. I am tempted to buy a 30w Daylight CFL and get some Mylar to...
  13. G

    Grow Box

    Good man, so you know what I mean.
  14. G

    Grow Box

    No probs mate. Well, I am all over the place, at the moment in Yorkshire (200 miles north of London). London being my home. Generally though, the houses in the UK dont come in US sizes. Unless you have some serious wedge.
  15. G

    Grow Box

    Well, I have a lof of old and new ones from PC's built. Adding one should be simple, I am no expert at electrics though, however have a plan for wiring for this. Thats cracking. But I live in a apartment that is just big enough for me to get my knickers off. :(. Me neither. However I...
  16. G

    Grow Box

    Well, at the moment, the lid sits to one side giving it large gap for air until I get my fan on, but didnt think I needed to cool them, its not exactly that warm here. I am actually worried about it not being warm enough? Same time your the second person who has mentioned that. I think I may...
  17. G

    Grow Box

    I have since upgraded the bulb to a 20watt CFL. I am thinking that I may need to relocate the bulb soon ascurrently it sinks deep into the box when the lid is on, leaving it as it as it means the light is cm's above the seedlings at the moment. Also there are plans to add a PC fan to the box...
  18. G

    Grow Box

    Having these decided I would need somewhere fro them to grow on. Saw Milk_Mans thread on here, and seing I had limited space, went for a similar setup: My grow box
  19. G

    Grow Box

    About 7-8 days later Scotch Bonnets begin to grow. The seedlings
  20. G

    Grow Box

    Taking Inspiration from Milk_Man, I decided that I would try my hand at a grow box with lighting. I sowed 30 odd Scotch Bonnet Seeds in Aug. So had something ready to go into them. Its started off with a home made germination box. Had a heat mat, from moons back, decided that combined with a...