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  1. C

    Bhut Jolokia White

    Hi everyone, My Bhut Jolokia is turning yellow. It looks like it has been burnt. Too much direct sun? I used to put it in a shade away from the direct sun and realised that it isn't growing very well. Then I moved it under the direct sun resulting in the pictures below...
  2. C

    Should I be worried?

    Thanks for the advice. My second attempt is looking much healthier than the first: I hope it continues that way!
  3. C

    Bhut Jolokia White

    Looks really good! My second attempt seems to be free of fungus that had plagued my first plant. However the leaves are coming out creased. Calcium deficient?
  4. C

    Bhut Jolokia White

    Thanks for the great info! I just started out planting chilli and realised there is a lot to learn. Thanks for sharing!
  5. C

    Bhut Jolokia White

    What is your soil composition may I know? Thanks!
  6. C

    Bhut Jolokia White

    The Bhut above are looking so good! How I wish mine is like that. Unfortunately I have to chop off the top of my Naga Morich due to some disease:<br /><br />
  7. C

    Should I be worried?

    Any suggestions for preventing the same thing from happening again to my new plants? Besides spraying with fungicides after the spots start to appear.
  8. C

    Should I be worried?

    I suspected it was some kind of fungus, and confirmed it with an experienced chilli planter. As the fungal has spread to all the leaves, it was suggested that I chop the top off leaving just the stem about 20cm from the soil. I have also moved the pant from the rest of my plants since the fungus...
  9. C

    Should I be worried?

    Hi Guys, I have been looking at the forums to find out what is wrong with my Naga Morich chilli plant. So far Binx's problem seems to be closest to mine, just that I have a lot more black stuff on the leaves. Both on the upper and the lower side of the leaves. Also all the leaves on my plant...