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  1. pepperhog

    Parick's SBJ7

    cool lookin pepper, love all the HP22B Jokes that were posted, now as far as being from carolina yall are gonna have to stop that LoL cool that this new cross is showing no pod variation,
  2. pepperhog

    chinense yellow butch T scorpion peppers

    it speaks volumes on our educational system dont it ..?. no i just hate spelling stuff right and get in a big hurry thats all, nice pepper pods the plant looks good too, that brown looks kinda like corking is that what it is or is it dirt i seen a hab or 2 with a crack in it every once in a...
  3. pepperhog

    How you like this Apple (Well actually pod next to it)? :)

    deseed them throw em both in a blender add some salt and some sugar then poor it over a seasoned pork tenderloin and bake it in the oven, call it hot apple ham, dont know what made me post this it all just came to me,, nice pod it is a wopper
  4. pepperhog

    best brown superhots

    yea it sounds like the choc hab has a lot of love ! i know for shure i need to try more burgandy and brown/choc peppers mybe there is no true fav one we will see awsome responses you guys
  5. pepperhog

    Aerogarden 2013.. which seeds to sow

    i would grow some thai sun the plants dont get very big 1-1/2 foot i think and pepperjoe sells seed i also grew alma paprika there not that big and not hot either some pods get a bit warm from time to time dosent look like u can do much more with that set up it looks cool how high dose the...
  6. pepperhog

    chinense yellow butch T scorpion peppers

    i read something that jim duffy posted on fireyfoods and bbq super site to make a long story short if i remeber corectly put the 7 pod as granddaddy of all super hots trinidad being such a small island with bonets habs and 7pods on it could spawn scorps douglas even if some elongiated pods made...
  7. pepperhog

    Look at the insides of these pods! CRAZY! WILD!

    good review i had one plant this year it came from the mystery seeds of the peppermania card that beth puts in when she ships, it was a waek little seedling i got it better and it was a heavy producer but i didnt care for the peppers,, you discribed them to a T as far a flovor goes,only few of...
  8. pepperhog

    Madballz 7?

    very cool lookin peppers either way and i think this is the part were selection and more generations will determine final form the burgandy looks the coolest and seems more 50/50 between the 2 parent plants pod shape allready looks like it is 50/50 very cool either way,
  9. pepperhog

    best brown superhots

    sorry i dragged my question out i wanted to find out if the brown superhots tasted similar to brown habs and wich one tastes the best or the closest to the brown hab, so far i hear that they arent that similar and choc bhut is good fresh so thanks but any more info is appreciated im sure it will...
  10. pepperhog

    Is it just me...?

    from what i have seen SHU wize they say 100-350k the ones i have this year are verry citrusy not sweet but smell will smack u in face definently dif from all the habs i have tasted a bit hotter too some taste as hot as my yellow 7 pods but the heat on the 7s lasts longer and is deeper but as far...
  11. pepperhog

    best brown superhots

    thanks for the replys they are awsome so far, hello sanpatricio the THP is the place to be! keep em coming love to hear more it will help me plan grow list for next year! posibly add some chocolate to other peoples list,
  12. pepperhog

    best brown superhots

    having tasted not as many cap chin as some on here I have a question for some of the more experianced pepper lovers, the first habanero i tasted was as most the orange hab at the time it was hot but now i can appreciate its taste but it aint the best having tasted fatali,red hab, brown hab, and...
  13. pepperhog


    some kinda choc jalokia or mybe this pepper i saw a wille back called demon habanero x chocolate hab id like to grow em too they look bad ass
  14. pepperhog

    chinense yellow butch T scorpion peppers

    post some pics it would be cool to see em
  15. pepperhog

    White Hab?

    looking thru on line seed catalogs i have seen 3 diff version of white hab, ones like the pic above that smokemaster has to me they look a lot like orange hab just smaller and white, also peruvian white wich look like jelly bean shaped and yucatan white hab wich looked like jelly beans and...
  16. pepperhog

    breeding a Bhut Jolokia X Jalapeno Cross?

    looks completly like an annum to me i dont think it has any chinsens in it,
  17. pepperhog

    to trim, or not to trim

    i would put it in a bigger pot and put a floresent grow light on it and see what happens it shoold keep producing right ?
  18. pepperhog

    I am amazed at this Golden Habanero

    that is a nice plant is it called goldeh hab ? or is it a mustard hab or what, what is he flavor and heat like, so far the best hab i have tasted was a chocolate or Jamaican choc, awesome flavor nice deep heat saved seeds congrats on the productive plant,
  19. pepperhog

    hydroponic if you were to grow one plant hydroponically...

    If it was just one type chocolate hab i love the flavor plenty of heat so u can strech em out too,more bang per pod is what i mean, i have never grown them so as soon as i got my hands on some i got seed for next year saved i never have used hydroponics either but i have looked in to it cuz i...
  20. pepperhog

    My Charleston plant is pathetic but producing

    even though it wouldent even sound right to say this, give it a shot of regularl Merical grow and see if it turns green, it suprising to see such good production on such a pale plant'