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  1. Minion s1

    yellowish leaves

    w8, so the epsom salt isn't the problem? cuz i added a tablespoon of epsom salt a couple weeks ago, and a week before that...and this was occuring even then
  2. Minion s1

    yellowish leaves

    so i should just flush it?
  3. Minion s1

    yellowish leaves

    on my fatalii most of the leaves are a yellowish shade of green and most of the flowers have been aborting when the flowers abort they either die very early on(turn brown/shrivel up) or they turn yellow and fall off what could be causing this?
  4. Minion s1

    lighting walmart shop lights?

    at walmart would the F40 Plant and Aquarium bulbs be alright for starting/overwintering peppers?
  5. Minion s1

    better pepper powder maker?

    last year for my dried red habs i used a food processor to make em into a powder, and it wasn't a very fine powder... any reccomendations on somthing fairly cheap, that basically makes dried peppers into dust?
  6. Minion s1

    whats with the mosquitoes?

    for the past couple of days, i've noticed a bunch of mosquitoes just hangin out on my fatalii any idea why they seem to like it so much? and is it a problem? i'll be moving in a week or 2, so i'm thinkin they'll proly go away after that.
  7. Minion s1

    this a disease?

    what do leafminers look like? i googled em, and quite a few different things showed up...
  8. Minion s1

    this a disease?

    i got a couple hab plants, and i noticed several leaves with this discoloration...
  9. Minion s1

    Fatalii smackdown

    here's my fatalii...doesnt have any pods yet, stopped removing the flower buds last week
  10. Minion s1

    Help! What are these critters??

    i think i read somewhere that worm casting has an enzyme that the plant absorbs, which fire ants don't like...although that could just be to prevent the ants from eating young plants //edit// just googled it, heres what came up
  11. Minion s1

    Fatalii smackdown

    heres what my fatalii looks like atm been outside for 2 weeks now growing at a bit of an angle; towards the sunrise...well either that, or towards the stake
  12. Minion s1

    Habbies Update - June 24th 2009

    does the string on the pod's stem put more stress on it?
  13. Minion s1

    bone meal

    yea but the closest place like that is an hour away...and thats if they have it
  14. Minion s1

    bone meal

    my local wal mart doesnt sell bone meal anymore =/ so i was wondering, would it be alright if i were to dissolve calcium tablets into a watering can? and if so, about what would the measurements be?
  15. Minion s1

    Fatalii smackdown

    are fatailii the type of pepper you could snack on all day, or is it a bit too hot for that?
  16. Minion s1

    pests tiny white bugs

    don't think they're a problem...after the top layer of soil dried, they seemed to have left. im guessing they just liked the moist conditions after it rained for a couple days
  17. Minion s1

    pests tiny white bugs

    they're more like white specks that crawl than worms
  18. Minion s1

    pests tiny white bugs

    i've noticed a bunch of these tiny white bugs (about the size of a spider mite) i havn't seen any on the plant, but they are all over the soil...any idea what these things are, and are they a problem?
  19. Minion s1

    Horrible Weather!!!

    i went out and tied my fatalii to it's stake when that storm came through here...caught a cold or somthin from it, finally startin to feel a lil better today:(
  20. Minion s1

    Turning Yellow

    bone meal has a good amount of nitrogen, just mix a little bit into the top layer of soil