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Turning Yellow

Hi everyone, i am growing some "ring of fire" chilee plants and the leaves on some of the plants are starting to turn Yellow and the leaves are starting to curl inwards, could anyone here tell what the problem might be, and how i might cure the problem?

Thanks for the reply imaguitargod, but it is actually just the top leaves, and its only happening on the larger plants.

I dont know how to add a picture so ile just have hope for the best, unlass anyone else has any idea's. Thanks a lot. :)
New growth curling and yellowing is magnesium deficiency. Get some epsom salts, disolve 1 tablespoon into a gallon of water and spray on tops and bottoms of leaves.

Or sprinkle a tablespoon around the soil and water, do not do this twice though, you should see results in two days or so, and some of the worst leaves may not recover, so dont take this as the salts not working, check new growth for signs of recovery.

If they dont recover in 4 days try some Nitrogen as well.
RichardK said:
New growth curling and yellowing is magnesium deficiency. Get some epsom salts, disolve 1 tablespoon into a gallon of water and spray on tops and bottoms of leaves.

Or sprinkle a tablespoon around the soil and water, do not do this twice though, you should see results in two days or so, and some of the worst leaves may not recover, so dont take this as the salts not working, check new growth for signs of recovery.

If they dont recover in 4 days try some Nitrogen as well.

Thanks Richard ile do that to day and ile let you know how it goes. Cheers.
I sprayed the leaves with epsom salt yesterday, so ile have to wait and see what the next few days brings, if this does not do the trick, could you tell me how will i can treat them with nitrogen? Where would i get it from?

Thanks for the replies guys its greatly apreciated, but you have got me torn between the two, bone meal or Blood meal. :) would anyone be able to advise me which of the answers is correct or are they both rich in nitrogen ?

allen said:
Thanks for the replies guys its greatly apreciated, but you have got me torn between the two, bone meal or Blood meal. :) would anyone be able to advise me which of the answers is correct or are they both rich in nitrogen ?


Bloodmeal is really high in Nitrogen, Bonemeal has high phosphorus, a little nitrogen and some calcium. It's NPK is 4-12-0.
Bloodmeal it is then, thanks Richard, but if it was lack of Nitrogen that was causing the problem, should it not be affecting all the chile plants, as they are all in the same compost?

On one of the the plants, the new leaves sprouting at the top of the plant have grown, but are really small and even more wrinkled up than the other plant, but the larger leaves are still ok, and are the normal green colour. This is really confusing me so it is.
allen said:
Bloodmeal it is then, thanks Richard, but if it was lack of Nitrogen that was causing the problem, should it not be affecting all the chile plants, as they are all in the same compost?

On one of the the plants, the new leaves sprouting at the top of the plant have grown, but are really small and even more wrinkled up than the other plant, but the larger leaves are still ok, and are the normal green colour. This is really confusing me so it is.

Mutated growth is a sign of Calcium deficiency. I'd give them some dolomite lime if your pH isnt too high already (7 or higher).

From Wikipedia...

Calcium deficiency symptoms appear initially as generally stunted plant growth, necrotic leaf margins on young leaves or curling of the leaves, and eventual death of terminal buds and root tips. Generally the new growth of the plant is affected first. The mature leaves may be affected if the problem persists.[2]